90% of libs are going back to brunch either way, but dems holding all three branches of government and shit still getting worse and worse will be a decent radicalisation tool for some.

  • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    The problem is that the only real victory Democrats are promising is Trump being out of office. Therefore if he's out of office, then that's it. That's the victory. That's what you get for voting. Everything else is just icing. So if Trump is out of office and Democrats don't do anything with their majority, it doesn't matter. Trump was beaten. There's plenty of gymnastics left to be played before libs radicalize. If the people on the fence care more about beating Trump than the decline of their material conditions, because the conditions haven't gotten bad enough, then they'll go back to brunch with the libs.

    Part of the reason why the accellerationist dream hasn't happened yet is because while corona accelerated some things, it's still not enough. When the takeout stops, they can't connect to the internet, their credit and debit cards stop working, they will radicalize. If by 2024 enough people are still comfortable, however precarious that comfort is, then it's going to take longer. If Dems can keep enough people comfortable, then it's not going to be the accelerationist tool some people expect it to be. This also goes for Trump if he wins. If enough people are comfortable, it doesn't matter.

      • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Yup it's our job. I've been radicalizing at lest one person in my life, it really does work. For some context, this is a woman who voted Bush twice and I've been managing to push her left.

    • BigLBJ [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Maybe relying on everyone's lives being shit isn't the best approach? I think we can still rally up a good 2022, as my electoralism is undying and the infrastructure for resistance against the oligarchs has built up a lot over the part several years since OWS-type shit. Old libs spent 4 years just going orange man bad and given another 4 years would have just done that more, younger voters meanwhile aren't going to suddenly be "oh it's biden so good time to sleep" outside the lil' PMCs. I think Obama's failure to get major reforms beyond the gingrichcare w/ liberal characteristics through has created more skepticism within the base and I just don't see Biden able to handle dealing with younger voters of even the Warren type. Even those types he barely can stand.