1. You are a citizen working in a factory.

  2. You are the General Secretary.

What would you have done from both these perspectives?

  • Classic_Agency [he/him,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    I would try form an underground union with the other workers with the goal of overthrowing the government and returning to Leninist principles. Of course I would not succeed, because no one did, but I would try. After the USSR collapses I attempt to turn the union into a communist party & militia with the goal of overthrowing the government. We would denounce and attack the CPRF for being reactionaries and hopefully fully discredit them in the eyes of the people, leaving ony our movement as the legit communists. Then after years of organising we attempt a general strike and violent insurrection during the 1998 economic crisis in which we bring the government to its knees, allowing us to storm the Kremlin with millions of workers marching in the cities of Russia supporting us.

    Assuming I got choosen to be general secretary instead of Gobachev, I would immediately begin a purge of the CPSU. People with capitalist and rectionary tendencies would be questioned and depending on how willing they would be to reform and support the new course, they would either undergo education or they would be removed from the party. People who are over retirement age would also be dismissed from their positions unless they are of exceptional use to the party. I would also use this purge as an excuse to promote as many women, ethnic minorities and young people into positions of power as possible, thereby destroying the gerontocracy and greatly diversifying the government.

    The next order of business would be to roll back the reforms implmented by Kosygin and Khrushchev. The use of the law of value would be greatly decreased in the economy, back to the levels it was under Stalin. The subsidy for technology would come back, replacing the 'temporary pricing' that ended up making new procurement of technology expensive. This would allow for rapid modernisation of the economy and for the USSR to begin catching up with the west again. The OGAS project would be restarted, billions of rubles dumped into the computer industry and the KGB instructed to infiltrate Apple, IBM and other American computer companies to steal technology in order for the USSR to catch up and evetually overtake the US in computing technology. The end goal being to create a computerised driven planned economy ala Cybersyn, which would massively increase efficiency and make the elimination of commodity production easy.

    I would begin a propaganda campaign intended to counter western influence and to reinstate Marxism and marxist thinking to the general population. The west would be attacked for its imperial tendencies and for its production of alienation and general immiseration of the working class with the goal of reminding soviet workers that although the west is richer, they do not necessarily live better. A big talking point would be American privatised healthcare. This opportunity would also be used to combat sexism, rape culture, homophobia (with the goal of decrimmialisation being realised within a few years), racism and other forms of chauvinism. Basically a cultural revolution if you will, intended to advance the consiousness of the people but without as much violence as the one that happened in Maoist China.

    In terms of foreign policy I would co-opt the solidarity movement in Poland using the KGB in order to turn it into a movement for the full realisation of socialism in the country. Their grievances would be understood to be the fault of revisionism and liberalism corrupting the pary and the parties lack of regard for the people. It would then be used to overthrow the Polish government and replace it with one that actually worked in the interests of the proletariat in poland. I would repeat this for Romania and Hungary. For China I would offer them an alliance to counter US imperialism however they would likely not accept. In Afghanistan I would attempt to build up the army of the government there as much as possible, and attempt to reduce overt soviet influence, giving the people more control over their government. The eventual goal being that the Afghans do not need Soviet troops to fight the war against the taliban as they have enough support from their own people and weapons.

    I would also create an organisation specifically for opposing westen imperialism that any country can join so long as they oppose the west. This organisation would give military and especially economic aid, reducting the effect of western sanctions. A new counter intelligence division would be created in the KGB with the express purpose of thwarting US and Western regime change operations in the global south. It would be used to prevent the overthrow of Thomas Sankara for example.

    For the Military I would place a cap on spending as a percentage of the budget, meaning the miltary budget would only be allowed to grow as the economy grows as the US military budget did at this time. This would allow the military budget to continue growing without sucking up resources.

    There is more I could write but I'm already at risk of writing a USSR alt history fan fic so I will leave it here.