get your fucking head on straight

  • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
    4 years ago

    "Number of bombs dropped" isn't the definitive way of measuring US Imperial power projection lol. Biden would've dropped all of those same bombs, but also wouldn't have flinched on major operations in Venezuela. Yes, Trump's goons went through with the coup in Bolivia, but the stakes were lower there. The left in Bolivia is mostly unarmed and the police/military are right wing. Yes, there were massacres in the bolivian coup, but nothing like a full scale civil war. In Venezuela, the military and police support Maduro and there are left wing paramilitaries all over the country. Trump going through with the less destructive coup but not the devastating one is likely a product of his disinterest in expanding US Empire abroad.

    Under Trump US Empire has mainly pursued failed strategies like unarmed color revolutions, which haven't really been successful lately. It worked in Ukraine and other countries before it but the governments of the world have studied these cases and adjusted accordingly. Competent and dedicated Imperialists would realize that a more "muscular" approach is needed. I think Biden would put people in charge that would make those changes, while Trump gets annoyed by them for trying to push for war and fires them.

    • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Biden would’ve dropped all of those same bombs, but also wouldn’t have flinched on major operations in Venezuela.

      Obama didn't take military action against Venezuela; Trump tried a Bay of Pigs-style coup.

      It's absurd to portray Obama's VP as someone who would absolutely put boots on the ground while arguing that Trump isn't really that bad. If this sort of logic came from a chud we'd have a dozen threads dunking on it in an hour.

      • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Obama didn’t take military action against Venezuela; Trump tried a Bay of Pigs-style coup.

        Trump allowed some fawning chud to attempt a right wing version of the Cuban Revolution that was immediately thwarted by fishermen with machetes. Biden isn't the same as Obama. Obama was coming in after years of widespread antiwar sentiment. That has died out and Democrats had gotten a lot more "muscular" on foreign policy by the end of Obama's presidency. Politicians respond to changing conditions, and I have no doubt Hillary would've been worse than Trump abroad. Biden apparently wants to focus on Latin America, btw.

        It’s absurd to portray Obama’s VP as someone who would absolutely put boots on the ground while arguing that Trump isn’t really that bad. If this sort of logic came from a chud we’d have a dozen threads dunking on it in an hour.

        I mean I'm pretty sure we would be divided on that post if it was made, just like we are on this one. If you think Biden has done sort of ideological commitment to keeping troops home idk what to tell you. The Biden administration isn't going to be Obama admin 2.0 because conditions are different and they're not idiots.

        • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          The Biden administration isn’t going to be Obama admin 2.0

          That's all he's ever ran on, and that's all Hillary ever ran on.

          • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Do you think it really matters what politicians say they're going to do when campaigning for the votes of us rubes?

              • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
                4 years ago

                Idk what to tell you homie, you have a very naive understanding of how political power works if you think the Biden administration will look exactly like an Obama administration despite different conditions and demands from the Bourgeois faction the Democrats represent. Biden is very obviously nothing but an empty vessel for the interests of the Haute Bourgeoisie.

                • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
                  4 years ago

                  different conditions

                  Different conditions like a Republican Party that will reflexively criticize everything Biden does, or different conditions like a growing anti-imperialist left that's far more organized now than from 2008-2016?

                  • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
                    4 years ago

                    Do you think either of those things matter to US foreign policy? Also, what anti-imperialist left in America? The only major anti-imperialist demonstration I've seen lately was the occupation of the Venezuelan embassy which was a couple dozen hardcore activists.

                    The conditions I'm talking about are the political and economic conditions around the globe. Their strategy of unarmed color revolutions have been failing left and right and left wing/anti-imperialist sentiment is on the rise in many places in the global south, especially in LATAM.

                    It is clear that imperial projects need to be more bloody in order to succeed and the cosmopolitan bourgeoisie wants someone in power who is willing to do the dirty work. Trump is less beholden to this faction of Capital, as his nationalist diet isolationist movement is backed by the provincial/national bourgeoisie who mostly extracts their profits domestically and is more concerned with domestic issues.