get your fucking head on straight

  • darkcalling [comrade/them, she/her]
    4 years ago

    Then why is it so upvoted? This post directed at an imaginary group of people? Why don't we have posts upvoted directing rage at communists who work for the CIA? Another imaginary group of people and surely if they existed deserving of more scorn than this. I could invent all kinds of more plausible but hardly of any significant number types of alleged communists who do bad thing. Ah ah, this isn't true. Posts don't get to over 100 upvotes here that make jokes about imaginary groups (not without a cool image meme attached anyways). Perhaps some of the people who upvoted it thought that but I think there might be a little problem with so many.

    The answer of course is it is misrepresenting the group of people who hope for a Trump win over a Biden win to demonize them and mis-characterize their complex reasoning as simply "hur hur wanting to own the libs", it is soothing the minds of liberals here by assuring them that those people who claim to have principled, theory backed reasoning for hoping Trump wins over Biden (or understand neither is better and just thinking it funny if he did) is in fact just all a facade, that really they're just fools who have memed themselves into becoming reactionaries. What is in fact formally called a straw-man.

    I defer to the top upvoted comment in reply to your comment here that mixes up the “Trump is actually better for the left/for the rest of the world” with "hur hur voting for Trump for the memes to own the libs" which you find in the actual post. People are clearly reading it as exactly that. And by the way Trump is better for the rest of the world or at least no worse than Biden with a cabinet full of war criminals and Pete Buttigieg could be.

    I am completely unironic in believing Trump is better for the left. That doesn't mean I'd vote for him obviously. I'm voting Gloria La Riva as should all communists. But if we're to be honest with ourselves either Trump or Biden is going to win and be the next president. Having a preference for the funny imperialist running around breaking things and causing distraught to war criminals like John Bolton and former intelligence chiefs is hardly a crime.

    It is however concerning how many people clinging to liberalism here who have probably for months insisted they didn't care are now panicking and insisting they're worried. Why the fuck should they care if someone who calls themselves socialist deigns to vote for Trump over Biden? To vote for anyone but a socialist party at all? Voting for either is about as bad in my book. They're both rapists, they're both imperialists, they're both racists, they're both sexists, they're both in favor of capitalism. In every way that matters they're the same and you should vote for neither. The only reasoning I can see is they are liberals who have accepted the liberal lie that Biden is not a fascist but Trump is and so are growing unreasonably upset at someone for voting for Trump while I assume they would not be as upset about someone voting for Biden.

    • a_blanqui_slate [none/use name, any]
      4 years ago

      Look, I came here to make a "stop subtweeting Glenn Greenwald" joke, and you either missed that fact or knew it and still thought it'd be a good idea to post your manifesto so I don't really know what to tell you.