get your fucking head on straight

  • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Long post apparently to the wrong person. Good luck finding me saying that Biden is better than Trump or that I want the preservation of the American empire. All over this thread (and elsewhere) I discuss the inevitable collapse and cheer for it in the most straightforward sense.

    Edit: literally in this thread

    The actual decline of “the American brand” and (more importantly) US soft power is about the rise of China, who is demonstrating every day that they have the only sustainable model of any major nation today.

    • darkcalling [comrade/them, she/her]
      4 years ago

      You admit you voted for Biden you piece of shit. Fuck off you western chauvinist tool. I wasn't going to judge you for your situation with your family but I'm convinced now that I realize you're the one who made that post that in fact this is a way to ease the guilt of your conscious, by being a fucking liberal.