At first I was debating if it would be 4 or 8 years, but now I'm pretty confident they'd just get one term, not 2.

Cuz we all know damn well they're not gonna do jack shit to actually fix anything, America will still overall be in decline, and all the people who aren't lib cultists are gonna be pissed about that.

They can't skate by just on charisma like Obama did.

Not to mention the chuds will likely want revenge for getting the first one-termer in decades, so they'll be extra motivated to get even.

Just how bad do you think the next abomination the Republicans shit out will be?

I think they're gonna make Trump look like amateur hour.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    4 years ago

    I vote for Dan Crenshaw because a Fascist with an eyepatch is what I was raised to expect from the 2020s and it would be the first thing in my miserable wretched life that genuinely made sense.

    Crenshaw 2024: Because a Fascist should look like a Sunday morning cartoon villain

    • Healthcare_pls [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Guy with an eyepatch that focuses exclusively on the military and uses soldiers and nuclear threats to handle geopolitical conflicts for profit.

      Very excited for the Big Boss presidency!