Like the previous one, I find it hilarious that the artist paints this as a dystopia, when going by the map itself it seems like a VASTLY superior timeline to the one we're stuck in

The description was tldr, read it here if you want:

  • CEO_of_TrainGang [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Bruh how could anyone besides an actual reactionary Islamist be against the idea of a United Arab Republic

    If you’re a leftist it’s good because it makes it significantly more difficult for the imperialist powers to fuck with the Middle East, plus pan-Arab movements are generally socialist in character (though typically not Marxist)

    If you’re a lib it’s cool because it replaces the largely reactionary, monarchic, Islamist regimes of much of the modern Middle East with a secular, and likely democratic one

    And if you’re a chud you’re happy that the radical mooslamics aren’t radical anymore

    The death of the secular pan-Arabist movement as a mainstream political force should be universally recognized as one of the greatest tragedies of modern history. What a fucking weirdo

    • EvilCorgi [they/them]
      4 years ago

      We can't admit that though because the murder of secular pan-Arabism was a project of the west so to admit that it was bad would be to admit that we live in a bad society that does bad things

      • CEO_of_TrainGang [he/him]
        4 years ago

        True but libs recognize that climate change is bad while still pretending it’s not primarily the fault of capitalism/the west so I’m sure they could figure something out

        • EvilCorgi [they/them]
          4 years ago

          I thought Xi Xinping caused climate change by doing too much communism