Like the previous one, I find it hilarious that the artist paints this as a dystopia, when going by the map itself it seems like a VASTLY superior timeline to the one we're stuck in

The description was tldr, read it here if you want:

  • Awoo [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Imagine thinking the United Kingdom would stay Tory controlled with 35% of the current population being socialist and what I could only popularly call "communist encirclement" in that global landscape.

    Apparently Maoists take over California but Northern Ireland is still fighting to leave the UK? Naaaaah.

    Scotland is going to decide it's leaving the UK in our current timeline before 2023... In that global landscape Scotland would be out already.

    Just utter nonsense. There is absolutely no fucking way you're stopping UK socialists from waging full blown revolution if you've got Commune France next door like that to support them. This is some "Capitalist UK vs the world" fantasy of some ridiculous British nationalist.