im literally going to have to drop a class and im not about to go in spring because of this fucking virus


like its a group class and the group has been so difficult because im consistently having to cover for them, and with the things i have to work off of from them I can guarantee it would end up not passing even with all the effort ive put into this shitshow

I really just wanted to have this semester go decent, but the class im dropping literally has no class day, not even to mention its more than halfway through the class and there hasnt been one grade entered which is super telling on the behalf of this class im going to.

The other classes im going to focus on finishing good on themselves have major problems too though honestly, one the professor dissapeared for 5-6 weeks and popped up like everything is cool, and the other one keeps dissapearing too randomly and coming back like

"sorry guys i know i havent been teaching as good as I could have, but im going to combine x week with y week so we are all on the same page"

which nobody actually gets because its so spread thin because of trying to combine everything in a intensive science field.

And i know im not alone, which on some levels helps, but at the same time i cant believe i actually paid for this shit. Its just one huge cash grab and i knew when they opened for fall (online only) with the banner saying "were open for business" something was very wrong, but i still ate that shit up completely. Either way ill leave all of you alone but i really just cant figure out how i feel at this point, i legitimately went in with the complete intention to learn and do all of this to the best of my ability, but i went from a A student for the most part to pulling grades that are much lower, and with the weird grading scale (anything under 80 is a D) im kind of losing my shit, especially since if I knew it would have been like this I would have just waited until things are "normal" but i really just want to get done with college so I can try to move on with my life, but then again idk.

Either way fuck 2020 i know things probably are going to still stay this bad but fuck me for just wanting to move on with my life especially after going from a apartment and moving in with family that I planned on only staying with for a little bit, which for a good amount of reasons has been a struggle to even get back out of here

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck i cant right now if you have any advice or something i could really use it, i really wasnt lying im seriously having a mental conundrum right now


    • fuck2020 [doe/deer]
      4 years ago

      999% yes

      like were all home too so im extra confused as to how they arent able to lead the class, especially weeks at a time

      i get that my payment doesnt necessarily pay the salaries of them, but they were full price classes and if they think I wont send multiple emails a day over things that I want to know that they are supposed to be teaching / offer to help with then lmao

      either way im still pretty pissed about having to drop this class, but as soon as my group didnt show up like 3 weeks in a row at the start of the semester I knew this was going to happen, but fuck me for thinking 2020 didnt have tricks up its sleeve fml