There might be a bit of violence, but if you think that Americans are going to all out war instead of just accepting the election results and whining about it on twitter then you're mistaken.

    • russianattack [he/him]
      4 years ago

      liberals picking up a gun isn't a prerequisite for the civil war. biden gets elected, all these militia freaks who are driving biden bus off the road are going to just get more riled up. maybe trump gets his own tv channel and unshackled from his presidential duties can focus on riling up these people even more every waking hour. so they all start fighting the government. as others have said most of the police would be on the side of the angry militias and the state and its forces would be the other side. liberals would stay home and freak out, it would still be a civil war

    • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
      4 years ago

      It depends really. How much is Trump threatening the power of the Haute Bourgeoisie? Is he willing to literally arrest these people like his supporters want? If so, then there are major armed forces that are ostensibly loyal to them. The military leadership aren't libs, but they're all neocons and neocons are on the same side as neoliberals. There are material reasons neocons hate Trump. The odd thing is undoubtedly lots of rank-and-file soldiers would probably be loyal to Trump over their commanding officer.

      So yeah, libs aren't going to pick up a rifle for Biden, but the FBI, CIA, NSA, ATF and big segments of the military are on the side of the libs.

      • qublics [they/them,she/her]
        4 years ago

        Civil war would militarily weaken the USA, making the USA itself and its foreign interests vulnerable to outside aggression.
        This is something neoliberals, neocons, and the bourgeois especially would oppose.
        It seems plausible to me that heightened cold war anti-China and anti-Russia propaganda are intended for maintaining internal unity, and thus reduce chances of any revolution occurring.

        • qublics [they/them,she/her]
          4 years ago

          I still maintain the most plausible soon to occur revolution in the USA could be a bloodless secession of the West Coast; where the military becomes analogous to the hypothetical EU army.
          Conservatives would hate this. Some bourgeois might even be persuaded, in that it would drive right-wing states into even more extreme and exploitable pro-capitalist positions.
          It could create in the West Coast a new and comfortable imperial core; moving quickly towards protectionism and the Nordic model.

    • Magjee [any]
      4 years ago

      They made a lot of threats when RBG died and here we are with another scotus filed and yea, some protests

      But they barely did shit