I tried to copy it but interestingly the character limit here is less than reddit's and it is a long post.

Basically most of it is arguing that a Trump win is better for anti-imperialists. A position I agree with. I think they present some compelling arguments.

  • Rodentsteak [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Albanian-Bolshevik is a loon and his actual knowledge of European socialist movements could fit on a very, very tiny pamphlet.

    • darkcalling [comrade/them, she/her]
      4 years ago

      That may be (I don't know them) and I disagree with the idea that it's permissible to vote for Trump but I'm curious if anyone has any substantive criticism of what they said which is far more interesting than who said it really. It was linked in another sub. Regardless of whether they're European or not they made points regarding the US not Europe (and as an aside as I understand it the European communist movement has almost totally been overrun by Euro-communist types, I'm sure there are still principled ML parties but they're not anywhere near the kind of power or numbers the collaborators have as I understand it, that isn't to say the US is in a better position but still).

      Also I must ding you for calling someone a loon without specifying why. Anyone can throw personal attacks. I could go around this website calling you a lunatic without cause. And I imagine many people get into petty fights that cause them to sour on someone and escalate their feud beyond reason. If someone is acting irresponsibly, if someone's judgement is clouded by clear liberalism and they have a documented history of this or some other backwards tendency (supporting Pol Pot unironically would be one thing I could think of) then at least specifying in brief what their problem is would be helpful. I don't need a detailed take-down, or even necessarily hard evidence, just stating what the nature of their problem is.

      • Rodentsteak [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Their definition of fascism includes minority parties having power in a parliamentary system but a eugenics program is just dandy and doesn't warrant mentioning. Also they spam their weird "here's how european socialism works" rants everywhere on reddit, and they're always filled with less information than you could get on 2 seconds on wikipedia and substantially more complete nonsense.

        So I'm not going to read another long screed from them, especially one where the conclusion is "Akshually you should hope the fascist wins".

        • darkcalling [comrade/them, she/her]
          4 years ago

          Hmm. To be honest that sounds like an oversimplification of a real position. Still there are a lot of people with interesting thoughts on matters such as those so I guess I'll keep a closer eye on any posts of theirs I see in future. That said this post of theirs doesn't seem to have any glaring issues.

          Well you don't have to read it but I do think you are expressing your opinions from a place of liberalism and ignorance most likely. For example what makes you think Biden isn't a fascist? Or for that matter that it matters if Trump is a fascist? Fascism is a a result of material conditions. Trump being a fascist has little bearing on whether mask-off, death camps and death squads fascism comes to the US. Fascism is capitalism, liberal capitalism in distress. It is a response to material conditions and Biden will not stop it nor will Trump spark it. Fascism is not stopped by "moderate" right liberals taking power. It wasn't in Germany, it won't be here. In fact when the chips are down they'll collaborate with the fascists to destroy the left.

          Let me tell you something about fascism. In many ways the US is fascist, if you're black, if you're indigenous, or if you live outside its borders in an area where it conducts imperialism. Yes mask off, 1939 style Nazi fascism with death camps and paramilitary death squads would be an absolute escalation against those marginalized groups but lets not pretend they're not already subject to state sanctioned violence while liberals look on and yawn. And we have no way of knowing exactly how American fascism would unfold, it wouldn't be the same as Germany. Another thing, for most Germans life during fascism before the war came to Germany wasn't that bad. As long as you weren't a socialist, a LGBTQ person, a Jew, and a few other groups your life went on as normal, as long as you could keep your head down things actually got a bit better for a while for you. It's the same process in the US, it's long been fine if you're white, a liberal, have a moderately well paying job, adhere to certain cultural signifiers. One need look no further than the restrictions and state violence of the anti-communist witch hunts in the 50s to see the limits of so called freedom under liberalism. One need look no further than the modern prison industrial system, the treatment of migrant workers, ICE. One need look no further than the US incitement to murder in Indonesia against the communists there to see fascist terror in action. But as the economic inequality rises, as they can no longer or no longer wish to pay off a certain percent of the populace as labor aristocracy, then problems arise, labor movements, civil rights movements brew, people begin to believe they can afford revolution and then when the threat arrives at the gates of the capitalists, when the machinery they've constructed called electoral politics, called liberal democracy can no longer keep it in check with a nice mask on the face while it does so, then the gloves come off, then comes the real violence.

          • GravenImage [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            for most Germans life during fascism before the war came to Germany wasn’t that bad

            what are you talking about, what about the first world wars lol

      • Rodentsteak [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Because your "History lessons" on European socialist movements have less research put into them than the average reddit post, and when corrected you just don't respond, your conclusions based on your complete lack of research are not congruent with what little facts you have managed to gain, and all the while you basically slander entire movements. And what's really galling is that they could be improved a hundrethfold by like two seconds on wikipedia.

        • albanianbolshevik [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          Yes, with this explanation of yours everything becomes clear! Thank you for showing me with facts and logic how bad i am.

          • Rodentsteak [he/him]
            4 years ago

            No problem, it's always nice to clear up some confusion. And in future your posts could be less fucking awful.