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  • kilternkafuffle [any]
    4 years ago

    If you want, here's a Russian blog on the topic from Nov 3 citing a video from Oct 30. The video shows Putin moving his hands and feet a lot, which the video interprets as "he's on drugs lol", but the blog says are symptoms of Parkison's. The video is sped-up, which makes it a bit difficult to judge whether he actually moves weirdly. There's also a 2015 BBC article speculating whether Putin's hands' movement while walking was a symptom of Parkinson's or a result of KGB training to carry a gun.

    It's possible he really does have Parkison's - people get sick. We'll see soon enough if that's the case.

    The source is pretty suspect, but may have privileged info. The "political scientist"/historian, Valeriy Solovei, is a nationalist, who was "fired" (his contract wasn't renewed) from the prestigious Moscow International Relations University last year for "anti-government propaganda". He might be an idiot looking for attention, but giving his previous high position he might have contacts with elite circles.