don't know if it's just this page or if the whole domain is banned

  • Stoner_Spectre [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Older generations were fed the same lies we are now but it worked on them. From everything on Stalin to the "inner cities", this CIA bullshit has never stopped. At some point one can only blame the material conditions so much for past generations believing these blatant and outlandish lies, then one must question if they saw the spotty evidence, the particular timing, and the bias of interests of the sources and compared the narrative to their own interests or if it's really all just the bourgeois being 100x more effective than they are now. Another point, almost everyone like us from those generations are either imprisoned, living in Cuba, or is dead and those that are left are the ones who weren't like us, who liked, tolerated, or ignored capitalism. Might explain their attitudes toward us and their attitudes for both Trump and Biden. Food for thought.