impostor syndrome is a psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their skills, talents or accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a "fraud".
of course it's about alienation, not that they're lazy or inherently bad in some way:
"If you don't like your job, you don't strike. Just go in every day and do it really half assed. That's the American way!" - comrade Homer Simpson
""imposter syndrome" is fake, the vast majority of workers under capitalism have abandoned their professional responsibilities" - a Gay Wrath review.
Firstly, we must begin with the title. It's inflammatory and i don't agree with the concept of people just "abandoned their professional responsibilities" in regards to feeling like an imposter...what lol.
Body text eh... i think i see a glimmer of what you're getting at - i think people would feel less alienated and like an imposter if they didn't feel they had to be held to the standard of Expert Who Knows All the Things or doing 6 people's jobs at once because capitalism has overworked them. If our society was more communal and treated us like less cogs in the machine, maybe we'd be less alienated sure, yeah, i see what you're getting at and it's probable that's true.
The homer quote... i don't really know what you're getting at here. People are half-assing their jobs because they feel alienated from them? I mean yes, that's true. But that's not really related to what Imposter Syndrome actually is. Imposter Syndrome is deeply anxious, you don't half-ass things because you can't do any better - you're feeling like nothing you can do is good enough because you've been taught your whole life that you aren't good enough. Even if you're materially very successful.
Overall i'll give this post a very generous 6/10 because i enjoyed reading the comments and the actual core of your post is decent if you ignore all the bad parts.
Thanks for posting on, please post again!
-- Gay Wrath