Like, okay, Biden sucks, we still have work to do, and, fuck, it might make some of that work harder instead of easier.

And in four years, if/when things only get worse, the general electorate might unite around a Bernie blessed demsoc, but what's more likely, imo is they also might elect a much much more competent fascist.

So, like, until then, are we just back to normal run of the mill neoliberalism again? Like a four year long eye of the storm?

Or are we still in the zone?

  • OhWell [he/him]
    4 years ago

    100% agree with this. It was not a victory at all. Dems won the white house, but made no gains in the senate and even lost seats in the house. All this is going to set up for a scenario similar to Obama's second term where Biden will just be a lame duck president unable to really do anything besides pass austerity and tax us.

    The Democrats have reinvented themselves as the college educated, smug rich people's party under Biden. Exit polls were pretty damning in evidence of this, as the GOP is starting to really take in working class and lower income households for a new voter-base. Trump got the most POC votes of a Republican candidate since the 1950s, and instead of realizing that this is a problem, the Democrats are just embracing their hidden xenophobic and whining about how 'stupid' those people are. This is scary, cause it means that the GOP is doing something right, and the next fascist can focus on wealth inequality and the class war - something that Biden is going to make 100X worse with his austerity.

    Trump was really a test run when you think about it. Back in 2016, it was like the GOP was testing the waters with him to see how far the American public would embrace fascism. In this past election, over 70 million people voted for him. That's a clear sign that we are close and getting there.

    Biden isn't going to fix shit. I predict in the next few years, new firebrand Republicans are going to start addressing wealth inequality and talking about the class war. When they start doing this, the Democratic party is 100% fucked, cause they had so many chances in the past 4 years to embrace even mild reforms and refused. They wanted to become the Bush era Republican party and they got their wish with Biden. Liberal media will start calling people racist any time they say the words 'working class' cause they have used ID-POL to create this myth that there is only the "white working class", however exit polls have proved that ID-POL is not working and now it's in the Republicans hands to run a competent fascist in the future and win big.

    I think the Q cult is going to evolve into something even more dangerous and the next reactionary far right movement is going to be a lot more desperate as a result of the depression we're going to be in.