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  • Janked [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I think the people you're describing are idealists and I think it's past time that idealists need to wake up, and that's why a lot of the left is fed up with even the well-meaning sort of lib you're referring to here.

    Vaguely wanting things to be better and for everyone to just get along has lead to a fetish for civility and "bipartisanship" while ignoring material and historical evidence and conditions and simultaneously maintaining an arrogance and moral superiority is why those well-meaning libs are insufferable to me.

    Even still, I see where you're coming from because I basically was one of these liberals not even a year ago. Being exposed to "get the wall", PPB, and other dirtbag tactics was definitely shocking and pushed me away at first, but it also eventually broke through my idealism and got me to examine what I actually stood for, what I actually do about it, what do I actually know about history and perspectives outside of the US?

    Maybe it's not going to work for everyone, but I don't think giving every well-meaning liberal a pass does any material good in the end.

      • Janked [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I get that, hate is a strong word - that's why I used fed up and insufferable. I guess my question is, what do you do when they still reject the language and context you're trying to provide them because of the association with "the far left"? And I'm not even talking about going mask off and bombarding them with Marx quotes, just generally engaging and pushing on some of their deep assumptions and being critical of liberal institutions.

        "Meaning well" only takes you so far. When you mean well but still refuse to put your money where your mouth is when asked, what does it really matter that you mean well?