• Mardoniush [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Look at the early mutual aid societies, workers banding together into a co-op to provide healthcare funds for instance. Or the Building societies where workers used collective power to build and sell houses with interest free loans.

    Mutual aid is mutual, the understanding is that when you give it is in the expectation that they will pay back in when they can and when you are in need, the same service will be provided, without guilt or hierarchy.

    Charity by contrast is simply giving. It's still good and useful, and some types, particularly the very old established religious charity types like alms are almost mutual aid in how they are done in a communitarian way. But there's no expectation of building solidarity and a communal resource pool. It's rich person gives to poor person, one way.

    Philanthopy is charity on steroids, with the one way relationship emphasised. Look at the Gates, trying to fix the world's problems into a box of their own devising with a top down hand like some sort of capitalist central planner.