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  • Downanotherday [he/him]
    4 years ago

    DECLASSIFY EVERYTHING!!! We can’t let the bad actors get away with it.

    Lets play a game of guess how many times the CIA failed to kill Fidel .

    I am going to so with 1492.

    Here is the current estimates.

    The Church Committee stated that it substantiated eight attempts by the CIA to assassinate Fidel Castro in 1960–1965. Fabián Escalante, a retired chief of Cuba's counterintelligence, who had been tasked with protecting Castro, estimated the number of assassination schemes or actual attempts by the Central Intelligence Agency to be 638, a project code-named Executive Action, and split them among U.S. administrations as follows:

    Dwight D. Eisenhower (1959–1961): 38

    John F. Kennedy (1961–1963): 42

    Lyndon B. Johnson (1963–1969): 72

    Richard Nixon (1969–1974): 184

    Jimmy Carter (1977–1981): 64

    Ronald Reagan (1981–1989): 197

    George H. W. Bush (1989–1993): 16

    Bill Clinton (1993–2001): 21

    look at those fucking losers Nixon and Reagan .


      • FaZe_oswald [any]
        4 years ago

        It’s not as if the CIA wasn’t intelligent,

        idk they pulled some real hare brained shit in their time

      • Downanotherday [he/him]
        4 years ago

        When you first hear Fabián Escalante's estimate of 638 it sounds absurd and the numbers are probably inflated. Then you look into the ones that have been confirmed by the CIA and you quickly start to think Fabián probably underestimated.

        Bay of pigs does not need an introduction.

        Paying the American mafia to poison Fidel.

        Again trying to poison Fidel. This time with the use of Marita Lorenz. Who hilariously fell in love with him instead.

      • anthm17 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        He has a Moral Vest.