For me it was the collective solidarity during the manual data entry shifts we did when elections came around. Those were some of the most soul crushing experiences of my life, and the incredible feeling of coworkers you didn't even know that well covering for you as middle management wondered where I was (I had to take a short bathroom break because I couldn't take a leak for hours) were so heartwarming. Of course there also was all the bad stuff: lying to customers who were having real problems that you couldn't do anything about, being insulted by people you called for a survey and you can't even seriously argue against them, terrible pay, the list goes on. If you have anything to contribute, please do so! I'd love to hear your perspectives.

  • InnuendOwO [she/her]
    4 years ago

    man i've always worked in business-to-business tech support call centers all the stories i've got are just people who fucked up and bought like $500,000 of the wrong thing all on contract and have to tell 'em "nah you fucked up lol".

    i guess there was the guy at my old job who was impossible to talk to because all he'd ever talk about was updates in his life story that can basically be summarized as "our baby was born!! all the baby's bones are broken somehow, i dont know how!! CPS is getting involved and ive gone to like 10 different doctors trying to get an explanation to get CPS off my back!! my wife's divorcing me now i dunno what happened!!!" but damn that's just sad man i dont wanna think about that guy. last i heard he got fired for losing his shit and snapping at a caller

    there was also the time my manager invited me to a strip club with him. idk about you but "come get horney in sorta-public with me!!" isnt the kinda thing i wanna do with my boss even if he's the kind of guy who's admitted to me he's tried any drug you can think of