"Why don't you start a company like Amazon yourself then?"

"Communism killed billion people!"

"Socialists always run out of other people's money!"

... and a thousand more idiotic talking points and soundbites like this. I think we all get them from libs and chuds all the time.

Of course you can refudiate them with logically sound arguments, citing serious scholarship and reliable sources. Like some nerd.

They're never going to listen to that anyways or check out the walls of text you're referring to. These soundbites are not meant as serious argument. They are thought terminating clichés appealing to the "common sense" created by decades of propaganda. They work emotionally, not logically.

So the response should not be logical. The response should be emotional. Short witty comebacks that makes the libs and chuds look ridiculous.

I'm wondering if there is some resource for these kinds of comebacks to use as inspiration. If such a resource doesn't exist shouldn't there be a place where we could share our responses to the common BS we face again and again?

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I have been thinking about making some database/wiki thing myself for a while. I would need more people on the project though.

    I imagine some sort of system where everyone can contribute bad faith arguments but moderated so only approved contributions will be made public to avoid vandalism.

    I don't think the risk of chuds and libs reading a small leftist resource is that great. What are they going to do about it? Say "you took that off a website!" to the reply you give when they post the same old Margaret Thatcher image with the "other people's money" quote that every shithead in a suit has been posting for at least a decade?