• JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
    4 years ago

    When I was working at a soul crushing retail job quite some years back, I thought about driving my car into the meridian going like 90mph almost every morning. That type of thought mostly only happened in the mornings, since I had to get up at 4:30am every morning to open and I dreaded it so much because normally I am a night owl, and sleeping is very hard for me to do before 12 or 1am. So I'd always be on an incredibly low amount of sleep, and knew I was walking into a shop that did fuck all the night before because we were both very understaffed, and the managers were quite seriously, the worst bosses i've ever had at any job. They actively made things worse when they were there. It was always a stressful hour or two in the mornings trying to get everything right before opening, and we'd always not have at least 3-4 products not prepped for me to use that I needed to go on display otherwise it's a huge empty spot. so I was doing two jobs in one at a time for at least half my shift. I'm rambling right now, but I can't express how much being paid slightly above min wage, super early in the morning, while feeling like I'm the only one who actually did their job and having to hear my managers every morning get mad at me for things I had no control over every single day, that they, themselves COULD help with, but chose not, even when asked. The gaze into the abyss was very very real.