Disclaimer: All my love to poly comrades, I'm not shitting on your relationship preferences, it's just this tweet is ridiculous.

  • AluminiumXmasTrees [he/him]
    4 years ago

    More a condemnation of "loud" poly people in the punk community than the majority who I suspect aren't like that. I also suspect it's a pre-emptive defence mechanism because they're used to people shitting on them.

    My encounters have always been fleeting, honestly and I didn't intend this as a condemnation of all poly people. Merely the kind that make tweets like this. Which I thought was clear tbh.

    • NeoAnabaptist [any]
      4 years ago

      You didn't condemn all poly people, but when you have a full thread of comments like yours that say effectively "the only poly people I know suck for x or y other reason" it's hard not to read between the lines.

      • AluminiumXmasTrees [he/him]
        4 years ago

        When I commented there were no other comments though, as you can see by the time I posted. So At the time I only had the image to react to and wasn't "piling on" as it now seems.