This is going to turn into an argument of personal responsibility and victim blaming. You can already see it with liberals down in the comment section - "if everyone just wore a mask, we wouldn't be talking about lockdowns anyway".

By March of next year, they'll be victim-blaming and saying stuff like - "those people died cause they were STUPID and wouldn't wear a mask!"

  • Blarglefargle [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I’m SO mad I lost my prediction when the Reddit got nuked but I’ll try to paraphrase what I remember from March

    “ Mybiggest fear is that all the blame for the poor response to this pandemic will be placed entirely on “bad eggs” (inevitably the poor and disenfranchised who will suffer the most from the pandemic) not following quarantine, which will exonerate state and federal officials and the health care system from all fault, leading to no changes.”