• ConstipationNation [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Back in my Mormon days I read the entire KJV Bible cover to cover. I don't really remember most of it though because I would read a chapter a night before bed and most of the time I was too tired to really absorb and make sense of what I was reading, especially with shit like Isaiah.

    • SevenSharpFive [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Yeah, also read through the Bible and Book of Mormon as a kid, but went to a weird Christian military school and learned most of the Bible in-depth, at least on the days when I didn't use that time for a nap. Sitting next to a radiator after lunch, I couldn't keep my eyes open, lol. I still like the Bible as art and the cultural impact is interesting to study, sometimes.

      • ConstipationNation [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Yea I agree, as an archeology/anthropology nerd I think the bible is really interesting for the insight it gives into what ancient Jewish culture was like.