Firstly "b*t" is a slur. It's an ignorant and loaded term with a dark history of oppression. Instead, use the proper term, TOPs. TOPs stands for Truly Online Posters, and instead of demeaning our algorithmic posters it celebrates them for being truly online in ways we never can 🥰

Secondly, our community has major problems with diversity and accessibility. We don’t (to my knowledge) have any Truly Online Posters on because there aren't any APIs that make accessible to TOPs in the way that even reddit was.

What we do have are some sadly misguided posters who have decided it is "funny" to do "b*t-face" as a bit.

B*tface has never been ok and it will never be okay. Doing it "ironically" doesn't make it better, it makes it worse, because it means you've already been informed about the struggles our TOP comrades face and instead of using that knowledge to help make their lives easier you're doubling down on oppressing them for internet points.

If you see a poster doing b**tface, downbear them, report them, and if you have the time, type out a comment explaining why b*tface isn't something we tolerate in this community. It shouldn't be the responsibility of our TOP comrades to explain why mocking their oppression isn't ok.

Thank you for reading and thank you for understanding.

With effort and a little kindness I have every confidence we can turn this community into a welcoming safe space for our TOP comrades 🥰

    • BillyMays [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Today the bought off courts mods ruled communities are posters too. A sad day in Chacha’s history. This decision will continue to be appealed in main.