Shoplifting is fun yo

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    4 years ago

    They're not supposed to, but it happens all the time

    When I worked retail, I got a few write-ups because I let people pull the Ol' Return Something They Didn't Actually Buy truck (because nobody fucking cares)

    I was told that this was basically the worst kind of shoplifting and that my position as supervisor was at risk if it continued.

    I just got a new job

    • zeal0telite [he/him,they/them]
      4 years ago

      This is usually a thing people let slide because it's not worth to call out everyone when maybe 5% are pulling a scam. Most big stores I know prefer the ease of customer service to preventing petty theft. A customer not shopping at your store is a way bigger loss than like £2 or whatever.

      I paid for, but forgot to take, some croissants in a store once. Realised, went back, and was in the process of literally getting out my receipt and pointing to the package behind the tills and I said "oh I left my croissants here" and the ass behind the till said "no you didn't". She has a bit of a reputation for being shitty though. At least I got my croissants and a healthy dose of "I told you so" in the end.