Cmon libs, post bad shit Obama did so we can yell about how much we hate those things that Obama did
He told the grass roots organizations that got him elected to go home, then betrayed every promise he got elected on.
Like you couldn't even close Guantanamo Bay?
and now spends his days basically blaming them and the future generation ahead of time for not choosing to end racism and inequality
The experts at the Pentagon told him not to close Gitmo. Obama, as King Lib, "listened to the experts".
Uhh let me be clear, if you like your drone strike you can keep it
As long as it's a minority LGB(Not T of course) woman doing the strikes.
"Hey, uh, can I get some water?"
"I really did need a glass of water this is not a stunt."
*Proceeds to fake a sip and then puts the water away never to be seen again. *
For those who don't want to click a link that leads to r*ddit:
3 days after his inauguration, he launches his first drone strikes.
Before he is inaugurated, he has Citibank privately vet his cabinet
Bailing out Wallstreet but not people whose homes were foreclosed upon
Expanded the "state secret" doctrine
Maintained and continued Bush's rendition policy
Escalates the war in Afghanistan
Didn't pass single-payer with this congressional makeup
Legitimized the coup in honduras
Lobbied to LOWER the minimum wage in Haiti to 30 cents an hour
Makes Bush's tax cut permanent under 2008 Dem Congressional majority
Thought police brutality was "police acting stupidly"
Unprecedented crackdown on whistle blowers
The really bizarre gun-smuggling scheme...
Remember the time when Obama signed the Executive Order banning Syrian and Iranian immigrants?
Obama repeatedly reauthorized militarizing the police
Deporting children to "send a message" to their parents.
Turning Libya from Africa's most prosperous nation, to the ISIS hellhole it is today.
Obama: The Nobel Peace Prize winner in history, to bomb another Nobel peace prize winner
Why did he build a drone base in Niger?
Why did we build a drone base in Cameroon?
His drone strike program that killed 90% innocent people
Democrats skillfully manipulate the rules so they don't have to pass single payer
Who was hurt most by Obamacare?
Let me tell you about the time I made Larry Summers stand down while holding nothing but a rusty chain.
It is a good list, but I think Esha's list is a bit better, mostly the same though -
How does it feel to be destroyed by facts and logic by a communist
I would normally say I can't stop shaking, but I've become numb, so I can't really feel it if I am, but let's just say, NOT GOOD
Civility has been one of Obama's alts this whole time :deeper-sadness:
By bailing out banks and fucking over all the victims of their predatory loans, he made a great economy for shareholders and drove wealth inequality to levels no one could have dreamt of in their worst nightmares when he took office.
How are you the first black president and preside over the liquidation of like eighty percent of black wealth
Oh don't mind me, I'm just here to hate.