Permanently Deleted

  • hotcouchguy [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Well good news then, we're getting exponentially stronger every day, not like those weaklings in china who respond to disasters effectively, like pussies.

    • thelasthoxhaist [he/him]
      4 years ago

      weak ass china only lost 4600 people, unlike chad USA that can affort to sacrifice 1 million if necesary

    • kilternkafuffle [any]
      4 years ago

      China fights the virus with authoritarianism. America fights it with human freedom wave tactics.

    • fitterr
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

  • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
    4 years ago


    It displays how weak both the US State is and how weak the US citizens are for not taking a pandemic seriously and allowing a quarter of a million of their own people to die justified with selfish displays of "doesn't affect that many people open up the shops because I love consuming more than my own people"

    As well as allowing conspiracy theories to flourish that people are literally screaming "how it can't be happening and its not real" as they gasp for their last dying breaths

    If you were a Chinese war planner would you now reconsider that assumption?

    If I were a Chinese war planner I would now urgently be requesting money for the Biological weapons department as apparently Americans are too stupid, too self centered and too undisciplined to embrace basic hygiene tactics against a virus.

    And for an icing on the cake they'd probably blame the US gov and demand not to be vaccinated against it

    • TossedAccount [he/him]
      4 years ago

      ...apparently Americans are too stupid, too self centered and too undisciplined to embrace basic hygiene tactics against a virus.

      I feel like this errs a bit too close to victim-blaming for a systemic problem, as if the US economy were even remotely democratically planned. Plenty of US workers have been taking most or all measures necessary to slow the spread, but have been forced to go back to work in order to prop up the profits of the big capitalists, the small business assholes, and the landlords who demanded the reopening of nonessential sectors and who smacked down most measures which would have provided additional economic support for continued social distancing (e.g. monthly UBI-esque "stimulus checks", further extensions to additional unemployment insurance income) because such measures get in the way of their continued rent-seeking.

      Attempts by the PMC-technocrat wing of the ruling class to impose some sense of discipline and solidarity were almost immediately shut down by the ongoing class conflict. The "supported" part of "supported isolation" in the TTSI doctrine was inevitably quarter-assed (maybe more like eighth-assed) in such a way that allowed the rent seekers to reframe the choose-only-two trilemma of public health, working-class incomes, and capitalist profits as a false dilemma between public health and "the economy".

      The cult of the selfish consumer, to the extent that it exists, is downstream from the same dictatorship of capital that's always held us down and cost us millions of preventable deaths every year. Same goes for antivaxxers and other mostly ridiculous conspiracy theory groups, rooted mostly among the exurban petty bourgeois. This isn't mass suicide, it's mass murder-suicide.

        • TossedAccount [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Am I one of the few people here who still thinks US workers might still be mostly salvageable if we could just get a socialist movement or even a workers' party off the ground? I get the desire to see the US empire collapse - removing the biggest boot off the necks of global south workers is a net positive for global socialism - but we're also seeing an acceleration of the post-2008 trend towards increasing proletarianization of at least some of the temporarily-embarrassed and highly-educated professionals, increasing income inequality, older workers getting their pensions decimated after every crash, etc.

          Objective conditions continue to be beyond rotten-ripe, and increasing shares of working-class US-Americans are interested in some form of socialism (or social democracy, which some might think is socialism because the GOP has called everything to the left of the Clinton administration socialist for the past 30 years), critical of or opposed to unregulated capitalism, and correctly believe both the Democrats and Republicans suck and don't represent their interests.

          The covid crisis also forced the ruling class to reveal to essential workers that their labor is essential to keeping the economy running and the most proletarian US workers are increasingly aware of their leverage. We're still far behind where we should be w.r.t. the subjective factor - we still don't even have a social democratic workers' party yet! - but general class consciousness is much better than it's been since before the Cold War ended, and there's no reason to believe US workers are checking out and going to brunch like their privileged PMC counterparts. We had people out on the streets calling for defunding or abolition of police this year, which would've been unheard of even a year ago! I see no reason to be completely blackpilled yet. The Dems will try to contain the current incarnation of the workers' movement like they always do but they can't possibly completely contain it anymore, not after they went mask-off this year and stopped just short of endorsing the covid death cult.

      • shitstorm [he/him]
        4 years ago

        You're absolutely right about that, working class have no good options in this pandemic. But there are probably 10s of millions of people who are acting like a death cult on top of this.

    • Circra [he/him]
      4 years ago

      We know what the Chinese war planners are considering. They're considering the very real possibility that a collapsing, nuclear armed, bloodthirsty superpower might have a go at dragging the rest of the world down with it as it implodes in on itself.

  • ancom20 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    As Alexis de Tocqueville said, over 150 years ago, "As one digs deeper into the national character of the Americans, one sees that they have sought the value of everything in this world only in the answer to this single question: how much money will it bring in?"


    Explains this perfectly.

    • Dumpster_fire_pants [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      He also said the only thing that would save the fragile democratic experiment would be public institution (the town hall meetings) where people could honestly and openly share ideas and opinions. So instead of town halls we have data silos where /r/conservative bans everyone who questions the party line, and chapo islands where at least I don't hate everyone

      • ancom20 [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        To expand on your point, this is highly profitable for advertisers and probably useful for three-letter agencies (CIA, NSA) to have people in highly "segregated" web forums where they only hear from like-minded people and are not challenged on their views, and where the mainstream/default forums (FB, Twitter) are pretty much only state-approved content and censor any meaningful discussion or criticism. It is really a loss to not have town halls or some type of open forum for debate. But then again, critical thinking isn't really a part of the K-12 educational system and is certainly not encouraged here in the US for adults either.

    • qublics [they/them,she/her]
      4 years ago

      but it is a show of strength, strength of the bourgeoisie and their dictatorship.

      they did a huge eugenics and apparently nobody gives a shit.
      or perhaps is more like demographic control: no need for genetic 'improvement' when they can have rolling release genocides.

      UK got caught red handed: Camps of Dependence (skip to 26:20)

  • TomCotton [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Normal people are literally just pawns to these maniacs. This is your brain on neoliberalism

  • richietozier4 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    unlike commie China, which cowardly made sure deaths from the virus were as low as possible, and its citizens were taken care of during quarantine, in america we have the freedom to die in vast numbers from a horrifying virus! USA! USA! USA!🇱🇷 🇲🇾 🇲🇾

  • OhWell [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Rugged individualism is engraved in American society and our culture.