So, The Last Airbender is good. Korra is also good, in a lot of ways. Animation? Brilliant. Choreography? Yes. Anything beyond a surface deep reading of its representation as politics? Well....

Its so weird, how did they go from AtLA, to this show where every good guy is either a cop or a CEO or literal royalty and every single villain is some caricature of a leftist? In the last season, theres a king whos demonstrably dumb, vain, and in no way should be in charge but hes just still played as the good guy and anyone who doesn't want him to be king is evil???

The Avatar, protector of the people, seeker of balance, coming in just to restore the status quo leaders every single time. Its the definition of liberal politics. Just made this thread to bitch, but lets all complain about how many times the heroes in these stories blindly return everything to how it was because "any change = bad"

  • reaper_cushions [he/him,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    I agree with your - somewhat poorly structured - point to a large extent. However, I would like to point out two things:

    1.: Aang was not fully justified in killing Ozai.

    All right, hear me out, before you call me a lib. Killing Ozai would have been justified in any scenario in which there is no other method of rendering Ozai powerless and therefore eliminating the threat he posed. Because, however, Aang attained the means of doing just that, he would have no longer been justified in killing him without at least making an attempt to even neutralise hin through less drastic means. Us Communists have to remember to exhaust all means before resorting to deadly violence. (Also, justice is a subjective concept and if Aang could not justify killing Ozai under any circumstance, he couldn’t ever be.)

    2.: Zaheer is portrayed as entirely correct in his standpoints.

    Zaheer is fully correct in his analysis of power and structural abuse as well as potential of freedom within the world of Avatar. His methods are portrayed as unjustified (which they, to a certain degree, are) but his competence as a charismatic leader and his selflessness and determination are on full display. Especially the latter is portrayed through him not holding a grudge when imprisoned and actually being a valuable ally to Korra. It is, however, very much correct to point out that him toppling the earth-government without i) a mandate of the people ii) an organised force that can fully realise the revolution should he individually fail iii) him failing subsequently would create a power vacuum with dire consequences. What I found most objectionable was the display of him as a powerhungry lunatic after being stopped and literally grounded. The sock in mouth scene was fucking horrid and completely out of character.

    • redthebaron [he/him]
      4 years ago

      i am not complaining about zaheer i think he is probably the best thing on the third season i just don't think he is a good foil to korra and like i can see your point on ozai and i personally don't mind that aang did not kill him but i think that there was a absolute justified reason to do so like it makes sense that aang as the last air nomad does not want to break one of the most basic fundamentals of their philosophy so i don't blame him for not killing him but like even roku who could not bring himself to do it sees that he should have like it does not matter because aang found a way to remove his power deus ex lion turtle so he does not have to answer the question