Shillpost 6- I never promised these would be consecutive.

Celebrating two months of youtube with AIM characteristics. From death metal to synthwave, from bagpipe punk to anarcho-jpop. Noisecore to Mathrock, your fellow Chapos are jamming to some weird shit. And we need more of it. Come drop your favorite songs in the queue and forcibly expand our musical horizons.

But more than tunes its got old-school IRC energy. No longer do you have to wait entire minutes to be called out on your hottakes. Real-time feedback on why you’re wrong and why you’re loved regardless.

Come visit, share your tastes, post in real time, and give me something to listen to at work. Chapos are standing by, like, 1/3 of the time.

All glory to @notthenameiwant for setting up the channel. They’re organizing a DJ list if you want to make fondling our eardrums a scheduled thing. Give them some love. - Its pretty ok.