Literally just title, I wanna know if being a commie and being into crazy shit is related
No minors or mention of them
Don’t talk about illegal shit
Don’t dox
Literally just title, I wanna know if being a commie and being into crazy shit is related
No minors or mention of them
Don’t talk about illegal shit
Don’t dox
Yeah, I still have to dip in some more into all that. I seem to attract brats when I was dating and the world was less on fire.
Good luck, admittedly I never dated myself but have done a lot of thinking. I think brattyness is a form of selfishness since this behavior probably is intended to get a reaction out of you. Idk maybe not rewarding them with a response might help.
It's always a little poking and prodding, usually to have me "set them straight" I've taken a BDSM test before, and among the top things I'm rated as "brat tamer" was pretty high up there. I like to say I'm very physical with a partner and do like restraining, usually with my hands, a favorite of mine is to restrain both wrists together above or behind with one hand.
So typed in bdsm test and got this . Or is it something else. I kind of want to try these test but I know peeps always treat the results like horoscopes or economics you know made up shit that is not real. Do you think you're results were accurate?
well, it's not a buzzfeed test, and it's probably no better than a place to start. If anyone is interested here are the last results I got
Took it and got 99% brat, 98% brat tamer 🤔. Does this make me petite boug when it comes to sexual behavior. Results
99% Brat
98% Brat tamer
93% Primal (Prey)
93% Masochist
Maybe like kink middle-management?
kinky pmc
I am definitely a switch.
Got 37% switch