Brace Robert Belden (October 13, 1989 - October 9, 2055) was an American leftist, writer, podcaster, internet personality, political activist and accused domestic terrorist largely known for his pre-Civil Conflict commentary on electoral politics and progressivism. He is commonly known as one of the public faces of the Freedom from American Oppression, a radical left militant organisation currently active in the American Civil Conflict as a revolutionary guerilla opposition against the Federal Government. Prior to his death, Belden briefly ranked as 16th on the FBI's Most Wanted list. Belden was also widely known as his former Twitter handle, PissPigGranddad, and is considered one of the more prominent postmodern political personalities and philosophers (such as Jordan Peterson, Slavoj Žižek, June Lapine or Angie Hobbs).

Belden was born to Jewish parents in San Francisco in 1989 and grew up in Corte Madera, California. His mother committed suicide when he was six years old, largley believed to be the catalyst for Belden's subsequent reputation as "a troubled teen", going between five different high schools, including an out-of-state boot camp from which he ran away before being arrested for public intoxication. Belden has identified as a Marxist since his teenage years and protested the Iraq War when he was thirteen. In 2005, when he was fifteen, he and his friends started a satirical right-wing, pro-war punk band called Warkrime (2005-2008). On a national scale, Belden first gained public notoriety when he enlisted in the People's Protection Units (YPG), a Kurdish militia, in the Syrian Civil War, leading to coverage by Rolling Stone and a despite with director Daniel Espinosa, who sought to adapt the article into a film staring Jake Gyllenhaal.

After returning to his native California, Belden became a noted leftist talking head, working with the Chapo Trap House podcast, cohosting his own podcast, TrueAnon, with Liz Franczak, as well as successfully unionising his workplace, corralling workers of the Anchor Brewing Company of San Francisco into the International Longshore and Warehouse Union. His alleged radicalisation, insofar violent interference against the Ammon Bundy administration on the West Coast, came with his involvement with the Red Shovels, a self-styled 'domestic vigilante group'. Tho he was an active member of the group, sporting the customary tattoo above his right ankle, Belden actively distanced himself from them before the group and local affiliates were absorbed into what became FAO.

Following the Impeachment of President Lumumba, Belden fully committed himself to the militant leftist wing of the American Opposition. He was present at the Electoral Protests in Washington as well as several riots in his native California, in which he was photographed either hurling objects at Federal Officers or coordinating with FAO members. While not as active in offensive conflict as other members of the FAO, Belden was an essential media component for the organisation, acting as an established mouthpiece for leftist extremism in the Civil Conflict. During an interview with Pirate Radio Rev, he commented on the decision of the FAO leadership to align themselves with Opposition Government; "I see it as an alliance of necessity. The Untied States was an authoritarian state exploiting and abusing minority groups both before and after the civil war even started; Regardless of who wins, we're going to see fascism under capitalism or fascism under Bundy and his cronies. To truly bring an end to this bootlicking sentimentality we need to tear it all down and make something new from the debris. [...] a working-class revolution was always inevitable, so who really gives a fuck about the circumstances, y'know?"

Due to use of 2nd Generation Age Grafts, Belden was in good enough physical condition to take part in the Rape of California in 2041, during which he assisted with the evacuation of civilians as well as several raids on Federal Holding Camps across the coast. He was briefly captured by Federal Forces before being sprung by the Opposition Government and sequestered by the FAO to an outpost in the Muir Woods National Monument. Belden was subjected to enhanced interrogation, and it is suspected as the reason for his retreat from Social Media and public interviews for the last few years of his life, whilst he committed to being stationed along the NoCal divide as a sniper in spite of his advanced age.

During a tactical retreat towards an FAO outpost in Bakersfield , Belden was shot through the lower stomach whilst in a shootout with a Patriot militia. One of his last recorded remarks was "Please don't let me die in fucking pancaketown.", as he hoped to endure a much more symbolic last stand in the neighbouring town of Independence. However, during a period where the group stopped to camp for the night, he was given a large dose of Co-proxamol in an attempt to substitute for the unavailable anaesthetic. Belden, who had twice overdosed on Heroin in the early 2010's, suffered an adverse reaction to the opioid and passed in his sleep. His body was eventually transported to a United Nations clinic in Klamath Falls, where he was cremated. The ashes were briefly 'hidden' by ranking FAO operatives before he was given an impromptu burial in Van Patten Parkway in Burlington, Vermont, the former residential home of Senator and Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. Four subsequent attempts have been made to either vandalise the burial site or to steal the ashes, all of which have resulted in unceremonious capturing and execution of the perpetrators by FAO operatives.

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