Beyond the obvious examples like Buttigieg.

Imagine being one of the most influential American Marxists of the twentieth century, then having your son get a job at the Soros foundation, then he later writes a hagiography for fucking Alexander Hamilton

  • T_Doug [he/him]
    4 years ago

    In order the for the United States to transform its economy rapidly enough to stave off cataclysmic climate change, we need not look to socialist experiments in foreign countries or the writings of Karl Marx, but simply to Hamilton, Parenti argues.


    There's absolutely no value in what a slave trader, militarist (he LOVED invading Indigenous land), and complete tool for the early American Bourgeois, has to say. The only Founding Father whose ideas have worth is Paine, and he was removed from any influence basically as soon as the revolution was over, and he stopped being useful.