Hi chapo, How the fuck do you find work when you have major gaps in your resume?

Short story: I went through a long fucked up period dealing with addiction and mental health issues. I'm fairly okay now mentally/psychically. But I'm having a real hard time finding work. Last time I had a "real" job was over five years ago, also around the time I graduated college. But I have nothing to put on my resume since then. I have zero networking connects, no one to put as a reference.

I need a job real bad but I don't know what to do. With no experience and no connects I feel like no one wants to hire me, but I can't fulfill those requirements without finding work that I can't get. I fucking hate it.

I'm also dogshit at doing interviews and I don't know how to explain long work absences without freaking out employers. What can I do?

P.S. I don't wanna say where I live for privacy reasons but I do not live in America.

  • Blottergrass [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I guess I'm just not as moral of a person as most people because when it comes to employers I don't think twice about lying or cheating. There's just certain entities I have no moral instinct for.

    • Grownbravy [they/them]
      4 years ago

      Never think twice of lying or cheating when it comes to getting a job, they’ll never think twice to do the same

    • TwilightLoki [he/him,any]
      4 years ago

      It’s helpful to realize that lying is only immoral in certain circumstances, this is not one of them.

    • ReaganYouth [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      I don't have moral qualms about lying to employers, I just feel like I'll be bad at lying or mess up in some way and I'm not entirely sure I can find multiple people to lie for references.

      • BurnerBoy [comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        You don't need multiple people. You need multiple email addresses.

        Anyway, trying and fucking it up is no different to never being considered for the job in the first place. Lying will come with practice.

        • ReaganYouth [comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          Do people do reference checks via email these days? I could probably even register a cheap domain for a fake company and use that if I was gonna go that route.