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    • goldsound [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Welp this just about covers all of it for me, good list.

  • LibsEatPoop2 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    the question gave me r/askreddit flashbacks.

    top rated answers on one such thread -

    Remember when the CIA was outed as torturing people following the Iraq war? It was a huge scandal, and forced a lot of us Americans to question what type of country we really wanted to be. The senate was doing hearings, reports were coming out that the CIA staff were losing morale as they thought they were doing what was right. It was a huge debacle. Then Sony got hacked by North Korea for the movie The Interview, causing the entire country to turn towards a collective animosity of North Korea, and we were all fascinated and excited that Netflix was just going to release the movie free in order to circumvent streaming/copywright theft. The national narrative dropped the CIA and focused on a movie. Even Obama commented on it and the media ate it up. I think the CIA pulled off the hack as a distraction.

    The government is trying to take rights away from the people a little bit at a time in order to make the people compliant.

    Epstein didn’t kill himself

    Women trousers have no pockets so they have to buy handbags.

    from another thread -

    a lot of rich people help terrorism and movements to destabilise a nation or a region to make money from its resources or people

    In my home city (in the UK) a heroin dealer was convicted of lacing his product with poison and causing the deaths of homeless people. In court he claimed that the local council payed him off to get rid of some of the homeless people in that way. His defense was "why would I kill my customers". I have met one person that worked with the council and believes the story to be true, and years later I met some people that had worked with a homeless charity at the time. They claimed they knew it was the case but there was nothing they could do to prove it expose it.

    I’m in the navy and we change uniforms a lot compared to other branches. There’s a conspiracy theory that there’s a rear admiral who’s wife has stocks in the company that makes our uniform. I just randomly heard someone talking about it. I have zero evidence that it’s true, but I 100% believe it Edit: told this to my coworker who added to the conspiracy cause he said the people who sell our uniforms is run by a rear admiral. The plot thickens Edit 2: apparently there’s more people saying theres more to the conspiracy so if you see this be sure to head into the replies and give them some upvotes. This kinda blew up and you guys rock

    One of the replies - OP is likely right. The military is the human centipede of nepotism spending. If private companies want to make any money off the military, you better hire influential x-military. I worked for one of these companies. We supplied software for navy aircraft systems. They spent millions for this software. The company that was providing the software was run by an x high ranking navy man (puppet ceo). The software was the exact same they already had and owned intellectual rights too (an older version). By the time this shitty run company provided the navy with this new copied version of the software, the tech stack was already so outdated and the original software vendor had better versions. I was told it was over 100 million spent. This for something they already had.

    Everyone I tell about this tells me I'm overreacting and it's just a conspiracy. But I strongly believe large companies who use eco friendly products around customers only do it to make themselves look good, and to make the customer feel like pollution is their fault when they use for example, plastic straws. When in reality using eco friendly straws barely dents the amount of pollution the company itself makes behind the scenes.

    Britney is the highest profile disney rape victim we might probably ever know about. Her mental breaks were the result of sexual and physical abuse from her handlers, her parents, and people she worked with at disney. The conservatorship she's been trying to get lifted is one designed to keep her silent, because the momentum of the #meToo movement as well as the high profile cases against hollywood folks will result in a huge financial hit to disney. If we hear that Britney "couldn't take it any more" and killed herself, its most likely the result of everyone in her life trying to control and manipulate her, and they will likely kill her under guise of suicide.

    Well, the government is listening to everyones phone calls and reading our emails was once considered a conspiracy theory, and we all know how that turned out.

    A lot of entertainment companies are money-laundering fronts.

    That Area 51 is heavily involved with unidentified flying objects. The only difference being that said unidentified flying objects have been designed, built and tested by the United States Air Force.

    I was on the fence about this one until I watched 'The Last Narc' but now I absolutely believe the theory about the CIA being responsible for the death of DEA agent Kiki Camarena. His death in 1985 helped spark the war on drugs because he was allegedly murdered by mexican drug traffickers and the DFS, which was a largely corrupt police force at the time. However some people think the CIA actually murdered him, or at least helped the drug cartel kidnap him. There are multiple witnesses who were there during his murder who place a CIA agent there. The motive would have been because agent Camarena was close to uncovering the Iran-Contra affair, or something similar involving the CIA using drug money to fund arms sales. The evidence presented in the doc is pretty damning and I was fully expecting someone to have discredited the witnesses or called out shoddy research or something after it came out, because it's just so wild, but so far everything presented seems on the up and up.

    We can't afford to own a house like previous generations because money laundering ruined the cost of living.

    The biggest companies in the world own the government. Not the other way around. Saudi Aramco for example.

    High end art is a scheme to launder money and avoid taxes.

    Look up the podcast "death is just around the corner" -- specifically their jfk series. Its quite long, 5 parts each at around 90 minutes. But it's incredibly informative. The narrator is quick to point out what is speculation, what there is factual evidence for, and what comes from the official narrative. The gist of it is that JFK kept on working against the CIA (in multiple ways like deescalating the coldwar as well as trying to put the CIA under the control of the executive branch) and was made an example of. Lee Harvey Oswald was almost certainly a CIA asset. unrelated to JFK but Manson was also almost certainly a CIA asset (some good investigative journalism just came out on this within the last year actually) And if you look into the official record of some of the stuff the CIA was doing (MK Ultra, giving black neighborhoods syphillis to see what would happen, Iran Contra, etc), and consider the fact that nobody that oversaw those crimes was ever punished anything more than administratively, it seems pretty naive to me that they would've stopped doing that kind of thing. I mean there are people instrumental in the Iran Contra affair that are in the Trump administration right now lol

    The CIA is responsible for the crack epidemic.

    reply - That one's partially true. One single thing can't be entirely responsible, but the CIA was involved. The question is whether it was knowingly or unknowingly. And it's far from the only drug trafficking the CIA took part in.

    reply - We fuck around in Nam and have a heroin crisis. Vietnam becomes a huge exporter of opium. We fuck around in Latin America and we go through a coke boom and Latin America experiences a monumental explosion in cocaine production. We fuck around in the Mideast and Afghanistan becomes the new leader in opium production and export. And we have new heroin epidemic. Its really really hard to convince me all of that is coincidental.

    The government IS spying on us, the Patriot act IS terrible, and somebody is most likely watching me right now...............


  • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
    4 years ago

    The intelligence community interferes in US elections more than anyone likes to admit. No way that they run around the world overthrowing democracies in all these obscure countries, and then turn around and leave the big one to chance.

    • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
      4 years ago

      My only counterpoint there is that their biggest method of action is funneling money and resources to far-right groups and providing them with diplomatic support from the US, whereas domestically the oligarchs they're doing this on behalf of can act directly in that way. That is to say, they don't need to interfere because the ruling class they serve already holds undisputed power and acts to preserve that in the same ways that the CIA and State Department would.

      • FloridaBoi [he/him]
        4 years ago

        funneling money and resources to far-right groups

        They probably also fund liberal and leftwing groups to frame certain issues in specific ways.

      • OhWell [he/him]
        4 years ago

        They're not a hive mind. The war industry is a handful of capitalists who all have their own interests in fossil fuels and natural resources, and it's spread out. Their goals and interests often contradict each other when it comes to coups and plans across the world.

  • Comic1302 [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA asset. This is essentially a fact.

    Pat Tillman was Intentionally murdered by The US govt.

      • Comic1302 [comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        No, he wasn’t. He began a détente with the Soviet Union, rejected CIA advice for Bay of Pigs, dismissed Allen Dulles as director, rejected operation Northwood, and generally scorned CIA advice. It’s public information that Oswald had repeated contact with the CIA.

      • CyborgMarx [any, any]
        4 years ago

        They thought he fucked up the bay of pigs invasion, while at the same time JFK thought they betrayed him during the invasion

          • CyborgMarx [any, any]
            4 years ago

            They were concerned for the future, THEIR future, they literally believed he was going to disband them over the bay of pigs fiasco, he probably wasn't but why take the risk

      • AnarchoLeninist [he/him]
        4 years ago

        They didn't want to, they wanted to scare him into action on Cuba.

        They uhhh, missed.

  • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Chavez was assassinated by a cancer weapon

    Bush did 9/11

    Jfk was merked for messing with the intelligence services and right wing Cuban emigres and the mafia were party to it

    I would say the gas attacks in Syria were fabricated by jihadi rebels to draw US into the war but thats fact now 🤷

    Also the Uyghurs in Chinese camps is a Western aligned propaganda campaign to soften up their public for war with China meaning US booj and its puppet states have already decided war is inevitable

  • Chomsky [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    The CIA and US military isn't actually spreading freedom, but is actually looking out for the interests of a "class" if you will that lives on the proceeds from investing capital.

    Call it a hunch, but its a strong hunch.

  • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Is the belief that conspiracy theories are all psyops who have been planted to distract from actual real-life issues a conspiracy theory in and of it self?

    If so, then that.

  • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
    4 years ago

    The 1% are part of a big club full of rich, religious nuts that think they're gods and are addicted to power to the point that they only get off on the most perverse acts of domination such as pedophilia.

    Yeah I know it's sounds like pizzagate but trust me it's totally different.

    • threshold [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I'm definite that some small scale version of this does exist, but I don't think Bezos appears like Nick Fury inviting you to be part of the billionaire sexual abuser avengers.

      It's more likely pimps/networkers like Maxwell and Epstein just fill the market gap of enabling sexual abusers who have enough money to basically make police prosecution near impossible. I also agree with CTH Matt's theory of forcing new m/billionaires to participate in sexual abuse so you are to the groups whim.

      • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        I've been trying to impart this to people for so long but they're not having it. They want the most fantastical, sensationalist Liam Neeson movie version of events.

        I sincerely doubt billionaires, including Epstein, were keeping children in cages. I doubt there was much violence involved. Billionaires don't have to use that kind of coercion on kids. What Epstein did was promise modeling jobs and lucrative connections. They used social pressure and the promise of wealth, fame, and a career. Most people I've met seem uncomfortable to admit those factors are just as coercive as direct violence.

        Most people would rather believe billionaires have squads of goons in balaclavas picking kids out of Wal-Mart parking lots.

        • rozako [she/her]
          4 years ago

          I think being rich makes people less empathetic and less likely to be charged for any crimes, but I kind of hate the obsession with RICH = PEDOPHILE thoughts nowadays, both on the left and qanon areas. As someone who was sexually abused as a child by many different people, I feel it ends up distracting from the ways poverty enables abuse, how families/friends are most likely to abuse you, etc etc. Not that both things cannot be talked about at once, but that people tend to focus on rich people as abusers and never the fact that abuse is about power, regardless of how much money you have. I don't know if this makes any sense mostly just a rant I have been thinking on.

          • threshold [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Hope you're going ok <3.

            I agree with what you're saying- the idea that 'insert group here' are automatically evil is super lame. I prefer judging these lunatics on their actions, of which there's much evidence they are awful. And as you said, sexual abuse is unfortunately class-less.

            • rozako [she/her]
              4 years ago

              thank you, i’m doing alright<33! i appreciate that

        • leftofthat [he/him]
          4 years ago

          This is how people view health insurance companies too -- cabals of shadowy boards laughing over denying cancer treatment to uninsured children.

          It's just a bunch of PMC's all trying to make sure their own lines go up so their boss doesn't bitch at them the next day.

  • TransComrade69 [she/her,ze/hir]
    4 years ago

    I lowkey believe we are living in a simulation where the more people want normalcy or complacency in society, the more catastrophic events are programmed to be thrown at us, lol.

    The more libs want brunch the more things are programmed to go wrong.

  • evilgiraffemonkey [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The anthrax attacks were done by the us gov't

  • rozako [she/her]
    4 years ago

    to begin with mine: i think Jim Jones was involved with the CIA.

    i also listened to trueAnon’s latest episode, a d the Great Reset thing definitely sounds realistic. I don’t know much of it but that episode made me think a bit.

    • quartz [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Absolutely on that first point. Neo-religious movements were a point of counter-culture and revolutionary energy, and the spooks just salivate at the sight of small-scale social manipulations.

  • Circra [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The CIA has been creating swine flu epidemics in the Carribean as a pretext to lean on govts. In the region to slaughter native pigs that are much better suited to the environment and create a market for American pigs that the locals otherwise wouldn't buy cos they're not hardy enough, essentially creating further dependence on US agribusiness.

    They also spread it to Cuba deliberately but that was more straightforward biowarfare.

    • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      This isnt conspiracy theory though they actually did that...i believe William Blum documented this in Killing Hope?

  • unabomber [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Obama never killed osama bin laden and the raid was a staged assassination of a rando terrorist to drum up military hype post 9/11.

    Also the military has insane satellite tech. Look at what we know about the 45 year old KH-11 and extrapolate from there. There’s reports of Russian satellites approaching and inspecting American sats and I’d wager they are fully capable of firing a kinetic kill vehicle.

    • bockwad [he/him]
      4 years ago

      So do you think Osama bin Laden died before then? If so when?

      • unabomber [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        There were some reports in the early 2000s that said he was sick and close to death so I wager he died somewhat anonymously back then. Could just be a Kim Jong Un type situation where the media made it up but the lack of any concrete proof of his assassination is suspicious.

        • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          wasn't/isn't bin laden on fucking dialysis?
          i refuse to believe they couldn't find someone who needs to use large, specialist medical equipment every few weeks to not die