• alexis [any,they/them]
    4 years ago

    I fucking loathe Wicca. So I'm looking through Pinterest for ancient history pagan stuff for a thing at work, and anytime you type in "ritual" something Wiccan pops up.

    TLDR; around the 40's some british creep wanted to molest young women and so took a ton of pagan, celtic and world ritual knowledge, mashed it together into something resembling a spicy version of christianity and called it a day. It butchers so many world myths and includes so much garbage like a super present man-stronk/woman-feeling dichotomy, what-you-do-will-come-back-to-you-three-times guilt based crap, a rigid hierachy with obviously him at the top, etc.

    A shitton of stuff we interpret as pagan or witchcraft-adjacent (even the word coven!) has leaked culturally from Wicca, which is either pulled out of thin air or sourced from super historically disputable material. Nowadays, Wicca permeates any pagan or witchcraft ressource to an extent that it's impossible to find ressources or info that isn't under some weird anglo molester lens. big RIP

    • OhWell [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I loathe Wicca too. It was literally a sex cult ran by a pedophile in how it was formed. Then it became entrenched with pop culture through the 80s and 90s (Stevie Nicks I think claimed to be in it at one point). Wicca is one of those "religions" that you can make into anything, which is how it's evolved so much through pop culture. Back in the 90s, the movie 'The Craft' had a lot to do with pushing it to a new generation and there was another witch movie from the 90s that had Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman, I can't think of the name, but that movie also pushed a lot of it too.

      • Des [she/her, they/them]
        4 years ago

        i didn't know this. my partner dabbled with it when a teen and then abandoned it for straight neopaganism until it became infested with nazis and she accidently dated a cryptofash lol.