I just wanted to commemorate the heroes on this epic forum for sharing their hot takes. Let's have another.

  • Qelp [they/them,she/her]
    4 years ago

    Hoping it fizzled out and dies when Biden takes over. The radlib movement has basically only grown because a lot of people got fed up with the dems for not doing shit about trump. This caused a “””””leftward”””””” exodus towards political ideologies that they felt would combat trump more effectively. Now that Biden is here, this overwhelming white group won’t have anything to worry about and will likely go back to being shitlibs like they were before. We’re also probably gonna see more “reformed” leftists in the future who are gonna brag about how they used to be a communist like you until they listened to reason or some bullshit like that. Or we’ll get stuck with a left made up of 15 year old larpers with picrew avatars who call Marx a tankie, idk.