This has ruined my day. A fascist has worked out today, have you, except this time it's personal. Feelsbadman.
I mean I still reckon I'd scrap him in a fight so that's reassuring but still
I've probably jinxed it and now he's gonna start taking up MMA
ha, what a loser
bet he wishes he was up at 5:16 AM on an obscure internet forum
Yea ill never be super big or imposing so i own rifles just in case. but that shits expeeeeeensive.
Powerlifting just ain't it for me really
It's ok i play rugby and do calisthenics
Yeah I know, I've got unweighted bulgarian split squats in my routine, but once I move out of my tiny uni room, I'll be able to buy a nice juicy barbell to properly squat with.
I solve my slight not being able to gain muscle mass issue by unironically studying the blade. (Did you know that pre-mid 19th century western dance is just a collection of martial footwork exercises? I do now and so did most early fencers. Hell on the calves though)
Big muscle means more fash target.
I gain muscle pretty quick, I just have shit diet Nd motivation.
I do own a broadsword and some throwing axes though lol. Fuck a guillotine, I'll end them rightly instead.
Maybe he got suduced by a comrade and now does every single squat in honor of lenin (who loved squats)
no cause he's using that muscle bound body to beat up chuds and would apologize to you without prompting if you ran into each other.
don't think the bastard even knows I exist anymore tbh
he's a nice, motivated guy, tbh. Just a massive bootlicker is all.