Volcel is just leftist nofap, and if you unironically think we should all be volcel and think that celibacy is crucial for the revolution, that's cringe and you should feel bad.

EDIT: Being voluntarily celibate is a perfectly valid choice, I just take issue with proselytizing it to those who don't want to be celibate.

  • Pezevenk [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I... Don't think so lol

    There are a couple of people who are into nofap that I've seen a couple times, but they don't call it being volcel, volcel is just a meme.

    • Fakename_Bill [he/him]
      4 years ago

      There have been a few "horniness is inherently bad and we should repress all of our sexual desires" takes recently.

        • Fakename_Bill [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Do you save a link every time you see a bad take on this site?

          • Pezevenk [he/him]
            4 years ago

            No, but if I have replied to them recently I can usually find it. I haven't seen anyone unironically say expressing sexual desires is inherently bad or whatever.

          • Pezevenk [he/him]
            4 years ago

            And I've ESPECIALLY never seen anyone here say that suppressing sexual desires is necessary for the revolution lmao that's literally just a meme.