This was cited by the reddit admins as the reason they have just banned my account, instantly for this single thing, I've never had any other problems on the account.
It was a joke. A funny one at that.
It is absurd because "nonce" is barely a bad word. Equivalent to "dummy" or "shite".
Reddit is so shit.
EDIT: My appeal just got rejected. Landlords are officially an immutable identity akin to lgbt people and gender according to reddit. Also "nonce" being equivalent to "wanker" is apparently meaningless to them.
I'm quite annoyed.
Oh fucking hell, I bet it is in the most grubby, pathetic way imaginable.
Seriously, can you imagine? Some CIA spook turns up and sets up some "super secret clandestine meeting" with a bunch of the admins - shows of some bullshit gadgets and does this flashy techy word salad garbage about how they're "crucial to defending American freedoms and Democracy" and all that shit. Plenty of technogabble in there too that makes zero sense but they don't notice cos they're a bunch of malajusted stemlords with the critical thinking capacity of a fucking slug.
Probably bangs on along the lines of some weird conspiracy theory that's gotten the distributing far right tropes buried far within it - I dunno, China and Russia influencing the internet or something.
Fucking hell, I bet the admins would be creaming their pants for a pat on the head from some dipshit CIA handler like they're in some fucking blockbuster or something. I bet some of them have even taken to doing admin stuff from the back of a black van they rented just for that reason so they get to feel like they're in a real life spy film.