This was cited by the reddit admins as the reason they have just banned my account, instantly for this single thing, I've never had any other problems on the account.
It was a joke. A funny one at that.
It is absurd because "nonce" is barely a bad word. Equivalent to "dummy" or "shite".
Reddit is so shit.
EDIT: My appeal just got rejected. Landlords are officially an immutable identity akin to lgbt people and gender according to reddit. Also "nonce" being equivalent to "wanker" is apparently meaningless to them.
I'm quite annoyed.
excuse me sweaty, but it's pretty culturally insensitive to use the l-word, consider using less offensive language such as People of Land (PoL) in the future. The l-word is very problematic and if you do not become more sensitive to the increasing rise of richism, then I may be forced to start a the twitter hashtag #bottechisover and you may risk being cancelled. 💅💅💅