glad i was (am?) fucking dumb enough to not get radicalized into being stupid and racist and stupid

  • Baader [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I didn't realize it back then, but people in Germany (not right wingers, mostly conservatives) are telling each other Nazi propaganda all the time. I was at a hospital when I was around 15. My roommate was the same age but came from southern Germany. He would tell me things link:

    • What happaned to Dresden was just as bad as the holocaust
    • The Red Army was more devastating for the people on their way than the Nazis

    These are opinions that are basically main stream in Germany. Man, fuck this shithole country.

    • BookOfTheBread [he/him]
      4 years ago

      more devastating for the people on their way than the Nazis

      Hey its not like they saw slavs as genetically inferior and planned to genocide the population of multiple large areas of eastern europe's population or anything. (Generalplan Ost)

      • Baader [he/him]
        4 years ago

        That's, on the other hand, a fact, nobody (sane) in Germany would deny. This anti red army narrative is really important for conservatives. Whenever I say something about the red army, I always have to argue with them that "what the red army did to german civilians was basically genocide" is a myth. Of course, I'm not saying that war crimes didn't take place. War brings out the worst in people, communists are not exempt from that. However, Stalin gave clear orders to treat german soldiers like workers. They weren't responsible for the war in Stalins eyes. Again, of course things happened, but when this is the overall directive, it was never nearly as horrible as what the Nazi soldiers did on their ways.

      • BASED_BALL [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        you do not know brainworms until you see someone tell you they want to be abused by evil people and describe it

  • quartz242 [she/her]M
    4 years ago

    I rode the greyhound alot from 16 to 21 visiting friends and girlfriends across Texas and one day I had taken the inner seat on a 4 hour ride and a skin head with visible nazi tats sat next to me, I realize now I was a white gal sitting alone on a bus so was an easy target. Que 4 hours of him sharing shitty nazi music of a little Walkman and talking to me about 14 words and etc.

    Was kinda scary tbh I did ask if he saw American history x tho

  • USSMillicentKent [any]
    4 years ago

    Damn, I had literally the same happen with a kid I grew up with. We were like brothers our whole lives, and then as we got older we started getting into fiercer fights and arguments.

    For the last few years I knew he was becoming more radically libertarian/right wing, but I was doing the same thing in a leftward direction, so I was like, how can I judge him? But as time went on I realized how insidious and openly sociopathic his worldview had become, and that I was no longer in a position to change that in him. The last straw for me was this summer when he used slurs to refer to the protests where I was getting shot at. I haven't spoken to him since and I don't intend to, nor expect to hear from him.

    But even then, say hypothetically he was at one of those protests and we socked each other in the face, how is that different from the fights we'd had our whole lives?

    I dunno. Doesn't make me question my principles but certainly fucks with my emotions. Chud family is weird, man.