I was thinking about the job that I got laid off from (really, fired) back in June. I'm kind of laughing about how ridiculous it all was. I worked there as an accountant in the corporate offices. This is a company that all they do is take care of cleaning services for large apartment complexes and a few office buildings. They don't even do the work themselves! They just subcontract out the work to local cleaning companies. And yet, everyone took the job so damn seriously and acted like they were all a bunch of Very Serious Business Leaders who loved the smell of their own farts. There's the CEO with a net worth in the 8 figures who would get into passionate speeches about how "we're lifting people out of poverty" (by picking companies that paid their employees like $9.50 an hour). The COO who had this "vision" of turning this boring ass unimportant company into a tech leader. Then there's everyone I worked with on the finance and accounting teams who took their work so seriously, as if this was some important thing they were doing. My boss was all about "going the extra mile" and showing initiative and being a "thought leader". The CFO valued above all else, people who could get aggressive and "make things happen". And I remember just a week or so before being laid off, being on the phone with a peer and getting chewed out because someone who I managed wasn't working up to HIS standards and would go offline for like 2 hours even though he got the work done. This asshole in particular, god I wish I could show you his LinkedIn page. Of course all these assholes are active on LinkedIn. Oh and the annual conferences. Those were great. Just all-day bullshit about how "dynamic" and amazing our company was and all our strategies for being awesome over the next year. I hated every single one of the dozens of people in that room and I only survived by going into the bathroom and listening to The Internationale at every break.

Again, all of this for a company that is so insignificant and unimportant. All this time and anger and stress over something so meaningless. It's fucking hilarious to me. Fuck capitalism.

  • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
    4 years ago

    I'm not saying the nonprofit industrial complex would be any less soul crushing, but don't political organizations have finances too?