bonus points if you're OA, man that was fuckin racist

  • Puffin [any, they/them]
    4 years ago

    Influenced by Scout camp customs, the OA uses "safeguarded" (privy only to members) symbols, handshakes, and private rituals to impart a sense of community. Native Americans have criticized the OA's various symbols and "rituals" as cultural appropriation based on non-Native stereotypes of American Indians.


  • OneTrueLeftist [he/him]
    4 years ago

    OA was racist as FUCK. I still work at a scout camp though, the program is so chuddy but I still believe in most of the stuff. They're trying to improve a little bit but still cringe

  • thethirdgracchi [he/him, they/them]
    4 years ago

    Eagle Scout reporting in. Can still recite the entire Boy Scout pledge and oath because it's branded into my head like a virus. Boy Scouts was great to hang with friends in the woods, but the whole leaders raping kids thing and plavating the giant Mormon contingent was uuuhhhh not great.

    • 420sixtynine [any,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Our troop was very very traditional so I feel you, we practiced the flag ceremony all the time which was annoying and we had to wear the full uniform socks pants belts fingernails clean hair combed membership card on hand everything. The nice thing was because they were so strict they trusted us so they kinda just let us fuck off into the woods. Anyway we need a commie scouts

      • thethirdgracchi [he/him, they/them]
        4 years ago

        Boy Scouts is a great experience that I wish every kid could have. Make it nongendered, have leaders that don't rape people, and instill communist values is the serious dream. Camping is fantastic and gives kids a sense of much needed independence.

  • Melon [she/her,they/them]
    4 years ago

    I was in a troop that never took any OA stuff seriously, and participation/continued membership in OA was usually mocked. They also were very proactive about keeping kids safe by following 2 deep leadership. I only heard about the sexual assault problems in scouting after I aged out. I remember thinking that two deep leadership was weird as a kid because adults could be trusted lol

    It seemed fairly good IMO. My troop's website hasn't been updated for about a year so I'm kind of fearing the worst rn :|

    also I'm an eagle scout and I am never going to put that on my resume lol

    • 420sixtynine [any,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Honestly it is a good resume booster, albeit a nerdy af one. I've talked to people who put eagle scout resumes in a separate pile to look closer at them

    • SaberTail [any]
      4 years ago

      Philmont rocked, and I'm a bit sad I'll probably never get a chance to go back, but ah well, there are plenty of other places to backpack.

      • chmos [any]
        4 years ago

        But none where you can tour a mine or build a railroad or hike with Burros. If the left ever gets into power, the national parks should be massively expanded and funded to offer experiences like that.

    • 420sixtynine [any,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Ha yeah the catholics can be fun, I'm not religious or anything and they didn't give me shit for it which was nice. I remember this one right wing christian unschooled kid got mad because we were being too vulgar and was crying because we said too many swear words and our scoutmaster goes "they're catholic they've gotta fucking swear it's part of their religion"

  • Snackuleata [any]
    4 years ago

    Ah yeah. Eagle, OA, and triple crown. Even worked at Northern Tier a summer. I'm glad I learned a bunch of useful things like first aid and knot tying, and I have fond memories of all the camping I did. But I was always a bit bummed about their anti-gay stance and it's been a bit hard looking back with a more leftist eye and finding all the flaws.

  • SaberTail [any]
    4 years ago

    Made it to Life and had all the other requirements, but never did the project because after a few unsuccessful attempts to raise funds, I gave up. The lesson I eventually took away was that it was way easier to get to eagle if you had connections, but I never finished.

    And yeah, OA was racist as fuck. Are they still doing that in 2020?

  • ChapoChap [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Former Mormon here, got my eagle back in 2013ish because my parents said they’d give me a hundred bucks if I did it lol. The camping and shooting and survival stuff was fun but with it came a ton of bullshit Jesus stuff that I wasn’t a fan of. Wasn’t molested and Mormons didn’t do the OA stuff at least that I was aware of so that’s good. Listed it on my resume for the first job I applied for and the interviewer asked me what it was so I didn’t mention it again