You're assuming peoples lives will stay as comfortable as they are now. Like I said, things are going to get much worse long term. Maybe they can keep the netflix if that infrastructure can be supported, but that'll mean fuck all when they can barely survive. I mentioned americas change in power because that is a factor that directly effects its citizens material conditions. This relatively luxurious lifestyle you speak of is built on exploitation of the third world that may not be able to continue as severely when America can't roll over whoever it likes. Then there is climate change and the dwindling resources these luxuries are in large part based on. If America can't support that lifestyle anymore, people will look for it to come back. That's when you'll have socialist movements looking to redistribute and create a more efficient system, and fascist movements promising to regain previous glory. You're talking about an obvious reality, that comfortable people don't put their lives at risk, and acting like something fundamental has changed in people and it doesn't matter how material conditions change from here on out.
You're assuming peoples lives will stay as comfortable as they are now. Like I said, things are going to get much worse long term. Maybe they can keep the netflix if that infrastructure can be supported, but that'll mean fuck all when they can barely survive. I mentioned americas change in power because that is a factor that directly effects its citizens material conditions. This relatively luxurious lifestyle you speak of is built on exploitation of the third world that may not be able to continue as severely when America can't roll over whoever it likes. Then there is climate change and the dwindling resources these luxuries are in large part based on. If America can't support that lifestyle anymore, people will look for it to come back. That's when you'll have socialist movements looking to redistribute and create a more efficient system, and fascist movements promising to regain previous glory. You're talking about an obvious reality, that comfortable people don't put their lives at risk, and acting like something fundamental has changed in people and it doesn't matter how material conditions change from here on out.