...you're politically illiterate.

  • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Red fascism came from anarchists who swallowed antiCommunist propaganda and believe communists = nazis

    The problem with this is that the Soviets led by Stalin saved the world from nazi fascism and made the largest contribution to the world in the fight against racism and national liberation movements worldwide

    If USSR lost world war 2 the post war period would be dominated by fascist Italy, Japan and a Nazi Germany with the resources and land of the USSR. There almost certainly would still be colonies as USSR played a pivotal role in destroying the British empire also (the Suez crisis for instance... Russian technical expertise was given to Egyptians in managing the Suez canal largely seen as the end of British empire)

    Like these motherfuckers think the same people who liberated Auschwitz and hunted nazis all over europe are the same because....reasons?

    I guess Anarchists will reply that the Soviets were authoritarian (as if there is another way to build and defend your revolution)

    But if there problem is with authoritarianism then why are anarchists not fash with a cool drawn @ ?

    Afterall anarchists, when they have come to power, have setup Dictatorships of the Proletariat in mahknos Ukraine and Catalonia where they had secret police, total monopoly on newspapers, banned newspapers that werent anarchist ones, own judiciary, summary executions for suspected counter-revolutionaries (and due to their aversion to prisons were more likely just to execute people) and labour camps ie. Gulags

    Under Mahknos Ukraine they even went as far to chain gang peasants for slave labour

    So if Communists should have to wear the albatross of the occasional human rights abuses (and they were occasional and much better than capitalist nations who let people freeze ito death in the streets then whine when some counter revolutionary gets a beating or thrown in prison) then why dont anarchists?

    Because communists say "we are going to create a dictatorship of the proletariat where workers own, control and dictate everything"

    Anarchists say they are against all hierarchy until they come to power and throw that in the trash along with their opposition to a Proletarian state and instead setup a smaller state with all the features of say USSR/Dprk/Cuba just without the centralisation of production and the military means to defend itself

        • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          *random thread *completely uncalled for bashing of anarchists

          "Why are my comments deleted for sectarianism?"

      • Ketamine_device_tech [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        What’s the standard reply to this?

        Same one for all Marxists who are suspiciously without a materialist critique: "what are the conditions of their mode of production like?"

        • late90smullbowl [they/them]
          4 years ago

          "The conditions are as authoritarian as necessary to maintain the security of the state against a vicious imperial hegemonic order."

    • garbology [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Under what circumstances would a modern ML revolution co-exist with and not crush/annex an anarchist territory on their borders like Free Ukraine?

          • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
            4 years ago

            I mean as I stated...Anarchists in Catalonia straight up executed suspected fascists. Instead of imprisoning them and finding out the facts Anarchists aversion to prisons led them to....

            Lining up people merely suspected of being fascists.

            I gotta tell you...I think shooting people merely for being suspected fascists is pretty more authoritarian than "harassing, locking up" or even "torturing" people

            • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
              4 years ago

              "There had been a long-running debate in anarchist circles about whether fighting capitalism as a system necessitated attacking specific individuals in power, apart from situations of self-defense. The fact that those in power, when shown mercy, turned right around and gave names to the firing squads to punish the rebels and discourage future uprisings underscored the argument that elites are not just innocently playing a role within an impersonal system, but that they specifically involve themselves in waging war against the oppressed. Thus, the killings carried out by the Spanish anarchists and peasants were not signs of an authoritarianism inherent in revolutionary struggle so much as an intentional strategy within a dangerous conflict. The contemporaneous behavior of the Stalinists, who established a secret police force to torture and execute their erstwhile comrades, demonstrates how low people can sink when they think they’re fighting for a just cause; but the contrasting example offered by anarchists and other socialists proves that such behavior is not inevitable.

              A demonstration of the absence of authoritarianism among the anarchists can be seen in the fact that those same peasants who liberated themselves violently did not force individualistic peasants to collectivize their lands along with the rest of the community. In most of the villages surveyed in anarchist areas, collectives and individual holdings existed side by side. In the worst scenario, where an anti-collective peasant held territory dividing peasants who did want to join their lands, the majority sometimes asked the individualist peasant to trade his land for land elsewhere, so the other peasants could pool their efforts to form a collective. In one documented example, the collectivizing peasants offered the individual landholder land of better quality in order to ensure a consensual resolution.

              In the cities and within the structures of the CNT, the anarchist labor union with over a million members, the situation was more complicated. After defense groups prepared by the CNT and FAI (the Iberian Anarchist Federation) defeated the fascist uprising in Catalunya and seized weapons from the armory, the CNT rank and file spontaneously organized factory councils, neighborhood assemblies, and other organizations capable of coordinating economic life; what’s more, they did so in a nonpartisan way, working with other workers of all political persuasions. Even though the anarchists were the strongest force in Catalunya, they demonstrated little desire to repress other groups — in stark contrast to the Communist Party, the Trotskyists, and the Catalan nationalists. The problem came from the CNT delegates. The union had failed to structure itself in a way that prevented its becoming institutionalized. Delegates to the Regional and National Committees could not be recalled if they failed to perform as desired, there was no custom to prevent the same people from maintaining constant positions on these higher committees, and negotiations or decisions made by higher committees did not always have to be ratified by the entire membership. Furthermore, principled anarchist militants consistently refused the top positions in the Confederation, while intellectuals focused on abstract theories and economic planning gravitated to these central committees. Thus, at the time of the revolution in July, 1936, the CNT had an established leadership, and this leadership was isolated from the actual movement.

              Anarchists such as Stuart Christie and veterans of the libertarian youth group that went on to participate in the guerrilla struggle against the fascists during the following decades have argued that these dynamics separated the de facto leadership of the CNT from the rank and file, and brought them closer to the professional politicians. Thus, in Catalunya, when they were invited to participate in an antifascist Popular Front along with the authoritarian socialist and republican parties, they obliged. To them, this was a gesture of pluralism and solidarity, as well as a means of self-defense against the threat posed by fascism.

              Their estrangement from the base prevented them from realizing that the power was no longer in the government buildings; it was already in the street and wherever workers were spontaneously taking over their factories. Ignorant of this, they actually impeded social revolution, discouraging the armed masses from pursuing the full realization of anarchist communism for fear of upsetting their new allies.[99] In any case, anarchists in this period faced extremely difficult decisions. The representatives were caught between advancing fascism and treacherous allies, while those in the streets had to choose between accepting the dubious decisions of a self-appointed leadership or splitting the movement by being overly critical.

              But despite the sudden power gained by the CNT — they were the dominant organized political force in Catalunya and a major force in other provinces — both the leadership and the base acted in a cooperative rather than a power-hungry manner. For example, in the antifascist committees proposed by the Catalan government, they allowed themselves to be put on an equal footing with the comparatively weak socialist labor union and the Catalan nationalist party. One of the chief reasons the CNT leadership gave for collaborating with the authoritarian parties was that abolishing the government in Catalunya would be tantamount to imposing an anarchist dictatorship. But their assumption that getting rid of the government — or, more accurately, allowing a spontaneous popular movement to do so — meant replacing it with the CNT showed their own blinding self-importance. They failed to grasp that the working class was developing new organizational forms, such as factory councils, that might flourish best by transcending pre-existing institutions — whether the CNT or the government — rather than being absorbed into them. The CNT leadership “failed to realise how powerful the popular movement was and that their role as union spokesmen was now inimical to the course of the revolution.”[100]

              Rather than painting a rosy picture of history, we should recognize that these examples show that navigating the tension between effectiveness and authoritarianism is not easy, but it is possible."

              • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
                4 years ago

                Thus, the killings carried out by the Spanish anarchists and peasants were not signs of an authoritarianism inherent in revolutionary struggle so much as an intentional strategy within a dangerous conflict.

                So at what point has any existing socialist state passed the era of "dangerous conflict"? Can you point to me at which year or period the USSR/Cuba/DPRK/Vietnam/China should've laid down their arms whilst US was arming for a nuclear war against Soviet Union then a cold war and supporting fascist governments all over Latin America, Indonesia, Africa etc.

                At what point should those nations have passed from the "pure" and "acceptable" revolutionary violence that this anarchist writer approves of and differentiates from say DPRK who have been at war with the collaborationist dogs of South Korea and US for 70 years. Every year US and South Korea practice invading them every year in military drills but what year should they lay down the dictatorship of the proletariat and press the "classless/stateless button"?

                Or the Soviet Union that was immediately invaded in 1918 by the 14 most powerful capitalist countries then blockaded for the next 2 decades during the rise of fascism and world war 2? Then cold war, Korea war, Vietnam war, fascists all over S.America then funding of Jihadis in Afghanistan in 80s.. Nicaragua?

                Even though the anarchists were the strongest force in Catalunya, they demonstrated little desire to repress other groups

                Lmao this guy does paint a rosey picture of Anarchists in Catalonia. Let's have another perspective

                The work camps were considered an integral part of the“constructive work of the Spanish Revolution,” and many anarcho syndicalists took pride in the“progressive” character of the reforms by the CNT Minister of Justice. The CNT recruited guards for the “concentration camps,” as they were also called, from within its own ranks. Certain militants feared that the CNT’s resignation from the government after May 1937 might delay this “very important project” of labor camps.

                To a great degree, the labor camps were an extreme, but logical, expression of Spanishan archosyndicalism. It was in the labor camps that the CNT’s “society of the producers” encountered Fábregas’s “exaltation of work.”

                Understandable resentment against a bourgeoisie, a clergy, and a military whom workers considered unproductive and parasitic crystallized into a demand to reform these groups through productive labor. Anarcho syndicalists endowed work with great moral value; the bourgeoisie, the military, and the clergy were immoral precisely because they did not produce. Thus penal reform meant forcing these classes to labor, to rid them of their sins through work. The Spanish Revolution was, in part, a crusade to convert, by force if necessary, both enemies and friends to the values of work and development.

                So if you disagreed with anarchists you were thrown into a work camp for your opinion.

                And from the mouth of Garcia Oliver, Anarcho-syndaclist justice of minister

                The weeds must be torn out by their roots. There cannot be and must not be pity for the enemies of the people, but . . . their rehabilitation through work and that is precisely what the new ministerial order creating “work camps” seeks. In Spain great irrigation canals, roads, and public works must be built immediately. The trains must be electrified, and all these things should be accomplished by those who conceive of work as a derisive activity or a crime, by those who have never worked. . . . The prisons and penitentiaries will be replaced by beehives of labor, and offenders against the people will have the chance to dignify themselves with tools in hand, and they will see that a pick and a shovel will be much more valuable in the future society than the placid, parasitic life of idleness that had no other aim than toperpetuate the irritating inequality of classes.


                That shit sounds like Lenin or Stalin (and is rad). Enemies of the revolution need to be torn out by their roots and rehabilitated through work until the Proletarian State has consolidated itself strongly enough and ideologically enough to take criticism in a way that China now can and even Cuba can

                in stark contrast to the Communist Party, the Trotskyists, and the Catalan nationalists.

                Alright lets see if that's true

                Supporters of the rising were dragged in front of these revolutionary tribunals when they were not shot out of hand. The names and addresses of those belonging to groups involved in the rising were taken from official departments or the respective party headquarters, if their records had not been destroyed in time. Evidently some victims were denounced by servants, debtors and enemies. With the intense atmosphere of suspicion and the speed of events, many mistakes were undoubtedly made. This pretence of justice happened mainly in cities and large towns where the socialists and communists were dominant. Fake Falange membership cards, said to belong to the defendant, were often produced so as to ensure that the proceedings were rapid. When declared guilty, prisoners were taken away to be shot. Their bodies were then often left in prominent positions with placards stating that the victims were fascists.6 Anarchists tended to despise this farce of legality and simply got on with the shooting. Believing in the individual’s responsibility for his actions, they rejected any form of corporate ‘statism’ for officials to hide behind. The other reason for immediate execution was their genuine horror of putting anyone in a prison, the most symbolic of all state institutions.

                -Anthony Beevor, The Spanish Civil War, p.132

                As to the

                both the leadership and the base acted in a cooperative rather than a power-hungry manner.

                Yeah screaming about tearing out the weeds of society, throwing loads of people into concentration camps and "getting on with the shooting" of people suspected of fascism because of your aversion to prisons is definitely not power hungry

                • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
                  4 years ago

                  So at what point has any existing socialist state passed the era of “dangerous conflict”? Can you point to me at which year or period the USSR/Cuba/DPRK/Vietnam/China should’ve laid down their arms whilst US was arming for a nuclear war against Soviet Union then a cold war and supporting fascist governments all over Latin America, Indonesia, Africa etc.

                  At what point should those nations have passed from the “pure” and “acceptable” revolutionary violence that this anarchist writer approves of and differentiates from say DPRK who have been at war with the collaborationist dogs of South Korea and US for 70 years. Every year US and South Korea practice invading them every year in military drills but what year should they lay down the dictatorship of the proletariat and press the “classless/stateless button”?

                  Or the Soviet Union that was immediately invaded in 1918 by the 14 most powerful capitalist countries then blockaded for the next 2 decades during the rise of fascism and world war 2? Then cold war, Korea war, Vietnam war, fascists all over S.America then funding of Jihadis in Afghanistan in 80s… Nicaragua?

                  The moment is when they are out of direct conflict of capitalist powers, but it's not about pressing the stateless button, it's about stopping hammering the "using the state to purge people over whatever real or perceived differences" button.

                  The USSR was in direct conflict with the whites after they got out of WWI and the whites came in twice and were beaten out with the help of absolutely no one. After that the next direct conflict was WWII, between the two there was no situation that demanded the level of repression that was used apart from of course, ideological purges that were of course going on simultaneously with the civil war too, but yeah, who cares about that.

                  Cuba's president is not actively tried to be murdered for a few decades, so there's no direct conflict there and there is no direct conflict between capitalists and Vietnam as well. There are embargoes that are effectively dealt with... on the ground level for example the permacultural food production in Havana. "Surprisingly" these states aren't even that criticised by anarchists (and i have nothing against them as well), which is definitely not because of the lack of ideological purges.

                  DPRK is in semi-direct conflict with South Korea and the US but news coming out of there are scarce and either coming from NYT or the state, so i'm not gonna form an opinion on them and i never have done so.

                  China is not in direct conflict with capitalist countries either but the economic warfare is hard on them. Despite that there are reports of them harrassing Marxist groups and even some MLs acknowledge that there might be better ways to handle the Uyghur situation. So they're def worse in that regard than Cuba or Vietnam, but not as bad as the USSR was at first.

                  Now about Catalonia

                  So if you disagreed with anarchists you were thrown into a work camp for your opinion.

                  That isn't even the conclusion of the work you cited. You're really trying hard to ignore the fact that the CNT leadership didn't have direct control over the movement, especially over it's main constituents, the rural areas. The passage i quoted was a critique of that leadership, so trying to counter that with what the leadership said is ummm.... curious.

                  But to have the full story, here's another quote from Seidman's book:

                  "Garc¡a Oliver's reforming zeal extended to the penal code and the prison system. Torture was forbidden and replaced by work: normal labor with weekly monetary bonuses and a day off per week when the prisoner's conduct merits it. If this is not enough to motivate him, his good conduct will be measured by vouchers. Fifty-two of these vouchers will mean a year of good conduct and thus a year of liberty. These years can be added up . . . and thus a sentence of thirty years can be reduced to eight, nine, or ten years"

                  Also Augustin Soucy wrote this about the labor camps:

                  "There is a concentration camp at Valmuel, in Alcaniz Township, Teruel Province. The country is a desert. There is not a single tree for many kilometres around. A number of buildings have been erected at the foot of a hill. Dormitories, inspection rooms, stables... Everything was built by the prisoners with the assistance of the guards. The FAI directs this camp. It is not a prison. It is not maintained like a garrison. There is no forced labour. Nothing is enclosed and there is no limitation of movement. The prisoners move about freely. Their guards share their life with them. They live the same as the prisoners. They sleep on similar cots in the primitive rooms. They address each other informally, as equals. Prisoners and guards are comrades. Neither wears a uniform. They cannot be distinguished by their external appearance.

                  A young man is standing in front of one of the dormitories. I question him without knowing whether he is a prisoner or a guard.

                  "I am a prisoner. My name is Benedicto Valles. I belonged to the Accion Popular (Popular Action, a fascist party). That is why I was arrested."

                  "How long have you been here?"

                  "Three months."

                  He was not working. He was not feeling well.

                  "Did the doctor give you permission not to work today?"

                  "There is no doctor. The comrade guard gave me permission not to work."

                  "Can you receive visitors?"

                  "Yes. My fiance comes to see me every Sunday."

                  "Can you speak to her alone?"

                  "Of course. Then we go for a walk together, in the fields.

                  "Without a guard?"

                  "Without a guard."

                  All the prisoners are permitted to receive visits from their families every Sunday. They are given passes for the camp and surrounding fields. There is no sexual torture that so many prisoners experience in other countries. This is an achievement not to be found anywhere else in the world. The anarchists of the FAI are the first to introduce this humane reform.

                  Why are there still concentration camps? Because the war against fascism is not yet over. The anarchists must protect themselves against the fascists.

                  There are chickens, pigs and rabbits in the barns. Cattle is to be seen in the fields. There is one scarcity: water. This vital liquid is not to be found in the entire area. It must be brought in by tank carts. Scarcity of water is a great problem here as in other parts of Spain. The soil must be irrigated. Prisoners and guards do this work. One hundred and eighty prisoners (180) work alongside one hundred and twenty-five workers (125) of the collective of Alcaniz to install irrigation. The work is the same for the free workers as for the prisoners. Fascists and antifascists work nine hours a day. They work for the fertility of the soil, to bring new life to the country. The canal must be finished in two years. The Municipal Council in Alcaniz has taken charge of the work. There is no support from the State or the provincial authorities. The work is being done without engineers. A young peasant who knows how to calculate what must be done to create a self flowing canal directs the work. The water must come from the Guadalope River. Some potato fields are already being irrigated.

                  This work was initiated by the CNT and the FAI in Alcaniz. Fascists and anti-fascists are working together for the cultivation of the Aragon desert.

                  There are concentration camps in the fascist countries, Italy and Germany. In the Hitler camp at Oranienberg, the spiritual German poet, Muehsam, was assassinated after being tortured and martyred for more than a year. Dozens of known political figures and people who love liberty languish in the concentration camps of national socialism. The democracies, faced with the alternative of choosing national socialism and fascism or anarchism, choose the first. They ought to visit the concentration camp in Germany, and then the FAI camp at Valmuel. There: barbarism; here: fighters for liberty."

                  Sounds just as inhumane as the bombing of Kronstadt.

                  People got into labor camps if they were funneling money to the fascists, if they were caught after a battle with fascists, etc. Not for their opinion and definitely not in size comparable to the USSR.

                  They still acted out of self defense and not out of an act of power grab.

                  • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
                    4 years ago

                    The moment is when they are out of direct conflict of capitalist powers,

                    At literally no point in their history were they free from conflict with captialist powers or the class struggle as it intensified as socialism was constructed

                    but it’s not about pressing the stateless button, it’s about stopping hammering the “using the state to purge people over whatever real or perceived differences” button.

                    This is pure idealism. It is masturbation. If this were true then the 20th century would've provided in material reality (and not the pure socialism in our minds) a revolutionary theory capable of defending its revolution from the counter attack which is sure to come from within and without.

                    I say "any relaxation of the dictatorship of the proletariat ends with the French communards against the wall." And your response is that the state should be fine to relax the DOTP despite there being zero instances of a successful anarchist revolution of the 20th Century.

                    It is telling that anarchism in practice (and that's all I care aboue. The anarchism that has actually existed) has not changed since Marxs The Bakuninists At Work

                    As soon as they were faced with a serious revolutionary situation, the Bakuninists had to throw the whole of their old programme overboard. First they sacrificed their doctrine of absolute abstention from political, and especially electoral, activities. Then anarchy, the abolition of the State, shared the same fate. Instead of abolishing the State they tried, on the contrary, to set up a number of new, small states. They then dropped the principle that the workers must not take part in any revolution that did not have as its aim the immediate and complete emancipation of the proletariat, and they themselves took part in a movement that was notoriously bourgeois. Finally they went against the dogma they had only just proclaimed -- that the establishment of a revolutionary government is but another fraud another betrayal of the working class -- for they sat quite comfortably in the juntas of the various towns, and moreover almost everywhere as an impotent minority outvoted and politically exploited by the bourgeoisie.

                    -Marx, The Bakuninists at Work

                    After that the next direct conflict was WWII, between the two there was no situation that demanded the level of repression that was used apart from of course, ideological purges that were of course going on simultaneously with the civil war too, but yeah, who cares about that.

                    Wow comrade. So who killed Kirov and Maxim Gorky? Why was Tukhachevsky conspiring with the Germans? What was the famine of 1921 then the famine of 1933 which seriously de-stabilised the regime?

                    You’re really trying hard to ignore the fact that the CNT leadership didn’t have direct control over the movement, especially over it’s main constituents, the rural areas. The passage i quoted was a critique of that leadership, so trying to counter that with what the leadership said is ummm… curious.

                    It's ironic that I say the exact same thing about the Soviet leadership throughout its entire leadership. They were often relying on regional leaders or party members eager to please and the leadership acted more like a fire department responding to fires than a monolithic overseer anticommunists portray them as

                    People got into labor camps if they were funneling money to the fascists, if they were caught after a battle with fascists, etc. Not for their opinion and definitely not in size comparable to the USSR.

                    Only cos the revolution failed. The USSR was never even that bad. Even during the Ezhovschina the USSR imprisoned less people per capita than USA.

                    They still acted out of self defense and not out of an act of power grab.

                    This is cartoonish anticommunist propaganda. It is never explained by State dept Anarchists like Chomsky how the reds sought to "hunger for power" by siding with the weakest, most vulnerable and poorest sections of society in country after country often at great costs to themselves.

                    • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
                      4 years ago

                      At literally no point in their history were they free from conflict with captialist powers or the class struggle as it intensified as socialism was constructed

                      I assume you are leaving the "direct" part out deliberately, because that's what makes the difference.

                      "This is pure idealism. It is masturbation. If this were true then the 20th century would’ve provided in material reality (and not the pure socialism in our minds) a revolutionary theory capable of defending its revolution from the counter attack which is sure to come from within and without.

                      I say “any relaxation of the dictatorship of the proletariat ends with the French communards against the wall.” And your response is that the state should be fine to relax the DOTP despite there being zero instances of a successful anarchist revolution of the 20th Century.

                      Doesn't the relaxation of the DOTP in Cuba or Vietnam and their consequent survival prove that the relaxation doesn't end with the communards against the wall? Because it looks like it doesn't to me.

                      "It is telling that anarchism in practice (and that’s all I care aboue. The anarchism that has actually existed) has not changed since Marxs The Bakuninists At Work

                      As soon as they were faced with a serious revolutionary situation, the Bakuninists had to throw the whole of their old programme overboard. First they sacrificed their doctrine of absolute abstention from political, and especially electoral, activities. Then anarchy, the abolition of the State, shared the same fate. Instead of abolishing the State they tried, on the contrary, to set up a number of new, small states. They then dropped the principle that the workers must not take part in any revolution that did not have as its aim the immediate and complete emancipation of the proletariat, and they themselves took part in a movement that was notoriously bourgeois. Finally they went against the dogma they had only just proclaimed – that the establishment of a revolutionary government is but another fraud another betrayal of the working class – for they sat quite comfortably in the juntas of the various towns, and moreover almost everywhere as an impotent minority outvoted and politically exploited by the bourgeoisie."

                      I'm astonished that you think this is true to any anarchist project ever, but you do you.

                      "It’s ironic that I say the exact same thing about the Soviet leadership throughout its entire leadership. They were often relying on regional leaders or party members eager to please and the leadership acted more like a fire department responding to fires than a monolithic overseer anticommunists portray them as"

                      Okay so then how come that when the soviets started electing Menshevik or leftcom reps they just pretended the elections didn't count and put party members in their place? Like okay, we're defending a revolution ova'here but clearly they had more leverage through the party over local councils than the CNT had over the rank and file.

                      "Only cos the revolution failed. The USSR was never even that bad. Even during the Ezhovschina the USSR imprisoned less people per capita than USA."

                      We're not comparing the US to the USSR. We're comparing Catalonia to the USSR.

                      "This is cartoonish anticommunist propaganda. It is never explained by State dept Anarchists like Chomsky how the reds sought to “hunger for power” by siding with the weakest, most vulnerable and poorest sections of society in country after country often at great costs to themselves."

                      Was Lenin at any point recallable during his tenure?

                      • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
                        4 years ago

                        Doesn’t the relaxation of the DOTP in Cuba or Vietnam and their consequent survival prove that the relaxation doesn’t end with the communards against the wall?

                        Comrade Cuba and Vietnam did not relax their Dotp. Its form changed over time (as it would be expected) as socialist ideology became hegemonic. Further would you have been one of those whining about the human rights of executed mafioso and US collaborators when the Cubans were shooting dissenters in the 70s when their dotp was neither hegemonic nor consolidated?

                        Cuba has an intelligence agency that has been running rings around US intelligence particularly since 19. The dotp consolidated and strengthened itself in the form of State power to the point they can laugh at the turncoats and and cia paid traitors that wave banners saying "down with socialism!" Whenever a US delegate visits. In the 60s or 70s those people would probably be in a basement with a bag on their head.

                        But Cuba has ideoligcal hegemony and support for the proletarian state and Cuban intelligence good enough to leak their finances linking them to Cia. The population laughs and understands they're traitors etc.

                        Dictatorships of the bourgeoisie can allow a relatively high amount of individual freedom and freedom of expression - because you or me in the town square screaming about overthrowing capitalism does not threaten the bourgeois State

                        However if you become effective like Malcolm X or Fred Hampton they'll execute you in a no knock raid. California still has a law not allowing communists to run for election etc.

                        Further as heroic as the Cuban and Vietnamese struggles were they largely were helped by the fact the nationalists expressed their nationalism through the communists in the struggle for national liberation. They were also not put through the trial of two world wars. The nationalists/white guardists/embittered kulaks/monarchists and conservatives in Russia expressed their nationalism as a fight against Bolshevism which inevitably led to them collaborating with Nazis in ww2.

                        The vietnamese did not have to deal with entire regions of the Soviet union who were susceptible to nazi ideology as the entirety of Eastern europe and some russians were

                        The dotp of Russia was, by the historical and material conditions of the period from 1917-1945, by necessity much more brutal than Cuba and Vietnam.

                        We’re not comparing the US to the USSR. We’re comparing Catalonia to the USSR.

                        Theres not much to compare and its better to compare two superpowers than one city in Spain. Catalonia was a disaster. The end result of catalonia was socialists, communists, trotskyites and anarchists seeking refugee status in France while a 4 decade long fascist dictatorship ruled in Spain

                        Was Lenin at any point recallable during his tenure?

                        Yes by the central committee

                        This cartoonish display that reds hunger for power needs to go in the bin.

                        The biggest purveyor of this is Chomsky. Now Lenin was a brilliant figure and one of the smartest people in Russia. If power was all he wanted why would he find a revolutionary path for the poorest in Russia which ended with him being shot by an anarchist followed by a stroke

                        If Lenin just wanted power he could've occupied an academic position (like Chomsky) then advocated change but not too much. Sought a position in the Tsars government advocating for bourgeois parliamentary democracy

                        He'd have been a Prime Minister of Russia no problem. He'd have got power without the difficulty of revolution, being shot or the difficulty of going into hiding from the Tsarist police

                        He could have sat in some academic tower like Chomsky did and grew to a ripe old age

                        • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
                          4 years ago

                          Comrade Cuba and Vietnam did not relax their Dotp. Its form changed over time (as it would be expected) as socialist ideology became hegemonic.

                          Uhm, i think we're thinking about the same thing.

                          Further would you have been one of those whining about the human rights of executed mafioso and US collaborators when the Cubans were shooting dissenters in the 70s when their dotp was neither hegemonic nor consolidated?

                          No. But i think that was clear until now too.

                          Cuba has an intelligence agency that has been running rings around US intelligence particularly since 19. The dotp consolidated and strengthened itself in the form of State power to the point they can laugh at the turncoats and and cia paid traitors that wave banners saying “down with >socialism!” Whenever a US delegate visits. In the 60s or 70s those people would probably be in a basement with a bag on their head.

                          But Cuba has ideoligcal hegemony and support for the proletarian state and Cuban intelligence good enough to leak their finances linking them to Cia. The population laughs and understands they’re traitors etc.

                          That's great news, so the anarchists who were chased away from Cuba can go back and the ones currently imprisoned can be released, as they're not a threat to the state, right?

                          Further as heroic as the Cuban and Vietnamese struggles were they largely were helped by the fact the nationalists expressed their nationalism through the communists in the struggle for national liberation. They were also not put through the trial of two world wars. The >nationalists/white guardists/embittered kulaks/monarchists and conservatives in Russia expressed their nationalism as a fight against Bolshevism which inevitably led to them collaborating with Nazis in ww2.

                          The vietnamese did not have to deal with entire regions of the Soviet union who were susceptible to nazi ideology as the entirety of Eastern europe and some russians were

                          The dotp of Russia was, by the historical and material conditions of the period from 1917-1945, by necessity much more brutal than Cuba and Vietnam.

                          That's understandable, but the problem is still not brutality in itself, it's excess, unnecessary brutality against people who were a, not a threat to the communist hegemony and b, were also among the poorest of Russia.

                          And if that's what is needed in order to a socialist revolution to succeed (i don't think so and reading Lenin hasn't convinced me that there's only one way) it spells really bleak for any first world country where anticommunism is rampant.

                          Yes by the central committee

                          This cartoonish display that reds hunger for power needs to go in the bin.

                          The display is not that reds hunger for power and i'm not basing my arguments on Chomsky, so this flew right by me.

                          The display is that the poor are in every country of the world the biggest pool of power. And if they get in the wrong hands and there's a state apparatus they can get ahold of you'll get Mussolini, you'll get Hitler you'll get Trump or you'll get Orbán. There are two ways to counter that, you try to hijack the state and if you succeed there's almost always a civil war brewing or you build a bottom-up movement that won't go away even if the people "finding the revolutionary way for them" are gone. Much like it's happening in Bolivia for example.

  • itsPina [he/him, she/her]M
    4 years ago

    hot take: red fash are even rarer than fucking trots or anprims idk why some people get so worked up about them

    lest ye be one of those dorks who calls any communist red fash.

  • LibsEatPoop2 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    red fash may or may not exist, i don't know enough to say, but fascist with red aesthetics is definitely a thing. nazbols for one.

  • Ho_Chi_Chungus [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Strasserists and Nazbols are red fascist. Call anything else red fascist and I am seriously going to doubt your political literacy

    inb4 some guy comes in with a painfully obscure ideology that's basically fascism with leftist aesthetics and says "WHUTTAH BOUT"

    • Alaskaball [comrade/them]M
      4 years ago

      I'd disagree with you on calling nazbols and strsserites "red fash". They are fascists plain and simple. In the same manner of the National Socialists, they drape themselves in the mantle of Socialism to hide their hideous ideology.

      Red fascism is capitalist propaganda, and allowing any exceptions to it allows the Vermin to slide the line to wherever they wish it to end.

  • Mike_Penis [any]
    4 years ago

    some people think that fascism is just another word for authoritarianism.

  • LoMeinTenants [any]
    4 years ago

    What's the overlap between "tankie" and what people have been describing as "red fash" in this thread?

      • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        FFS The hungarian revolution wasn't fucking anticommunist, it's fucking nationalist propaganda.

        • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          ✓ Pogroms of jews

          ✓ Killing of communists

          ✓ Doors of jews houses marked with a black cross an doors of communists marked for the white terror extermination squads when they thought they'd win

          ✓ Mi6 funding the fascist revolutionaries


        • Ewball_Oust [comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          FFS The hungarian revolution wasn’t fucking anticommunist, it’s fucking nationalist propaganda.

          TBF it was all over the spectrum: marxists, anarchists, socdems, liberals, and nazis were all involved

          There were pogroms, and there were lynchings of party members... at least part of the uprising was reactionary

          • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            part of the uprising

            That's the key part here, yes, there were far right elements involved, but they never got control of the movement, they weren't even allowed to take part in the workers' councils that coordinated it. They were a vigilante, independent movement.

            Unfortunately it was enough so that the current government can push the narrative through lobbyists that it was indeed an anticommunist revolution even though the goals the movement had are explicitly communist,

            • Ewball_Oust [comrade/them]
              4 years ago

              The thing is we are talking about two and a half weeks here, and there was no truly ideologically unified movement. The only thing that unified them was that they hated the USSR.

              The most famous document from the uprising is the "16 demands" - this was compiled by one faction, the college students, and even this isn't completely coherent. Like some points seem very communist, even left communist, but they are also demanding a multi party (liberal?) system, "reconsidering the planned economy" and there's also a demand about supporting "individual farmers" (Help the kulaks!)

              And this is just one faction

              So obviously most people grab one aspect and claim "this is what the uprising was about"

              The soviet-communists obviuosly emphasized the reactionary, ultra right wing elements. And who's to say they are *completely * wrong? The Nyilas party seized power mere 11 years before

              Liberals emphasize the multiparty demands

              Leftcoms emphasize the workers' councils

              Nationalists emphasize the anti-russian part

              It was all up in the air to be honest

              • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                I mean I'm much more comfortable with talking about it as a shitstorm, because it was more akin to that. but the general opinion of 56 on this site is that it was a fundamentally right wing revolution, which is not true.

          • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            There's hardly any, because since it happened, it's constantly a field of ideological battleground and so there aren't any good accounts that were written by hungarian marxists that are available in English

            This by Gáspár Miklós Tamás is basically the closest i could find and there's a passage in C.L.R. James' Facing Reality about it - which misses two pages as it seems.

  • Ketamine_device_tech [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    politically illiterate

    as opposed to politically alliterate socialists who can read about the exploitation or oppression of people under their watch, but choose not to,

    • asaharyev [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Politically alliterative cool communists, super socialists, and awesome anarchists.

  • Mouhamed_McYggdrasil [they/them,any]
    4 years ago

    So beefcake nazis were never a thing in Germany in the 30s? And Goebbels was never into marxism as a youth? This is honestly lib shit (and I usually hate calling stuff lib shit) that portrays fascism and nazis etc as all being extremely obviously bad things to anyone with more than one eye, or even just one eye. Nazis (and fascists elsewhere) didn't take power because everyone hated them and thought they were evil. There's actual real draw that those ideologies can have on a lot of people. And if you ignore that, you'll be caught with your tail tucked between the legs of your pants when fascists manage to recruit a bunch of people you assumed would be diehard leftists, since you never though to address that potentianability.

    • Sphincter_Spartan [any,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      I get what you're talking about, but that's not what red fascist refers to. Red fascism as I've seen it used means communism that uses "authoritarian" means (because fascism is when people tell me what to do 😡)

    • Asia_Set [he/him]
      4 years ago

      lol I'm pretty sure the phrase you were looking for is "beefsteak nazi" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beefsteak_Nazi

  • cuckfucker93 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Hotter take: Fascism is a dead ideology and yous guys are pissing yourselves over something that aint never coming back because the idea of an apocalyptic war/massacre where guys into weird runes and shit kill millions is more libidinally satisfying than the autumn of neoliberalism we got

    • Sphincter_Spartan [any,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Bad take, fascism is inevitable under capitalism. Eventually masses of people won't be happy with the status quo after some crisis and will want change, liberals will of course then side with the fascists to stop socialists from taking over

      • cuckfucker93 [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        "dude it happened like a hundred years ago in completely different societal, environmental, and technological circumstances so it's guaranteed to happen again have you listened to it could happen here man Robert's such a prophet wifouwhgiuwfoiwgwig"

        I like the man's work too but yous aughta broaden your horizon looking at history. It doesn't start and stop in germany from 1918 to 1945 you know

        • Sphincter_Spartan [any,comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          Who the fuck are you talking about? Also can you give a fucking argument against what I said instead of just deciding things have changed so fascism just has to be one of them?

            • Sphincter_Spartan [any,comrade/them]
              4 years ago

              You have no idea what fascism is do you? Do you think the fascists that rose in Nazi Germany were the pinnacle of their society? Fascism arises in humiliated nations and appeals to the most insecure, it mythologizes their past and promises to take it back by fighting the people who took them down from the inside. There is no way the world has changed to make this impossible. It is still the end stage of capitalism. When a socialist movement arises in a capitalist country that has gone through disasters that has made the majority willing to bring down the liberal status quo, fascist movements rise too, blaming hated minorities for the state of the nation. The liberals side with the fascists because it's better for them than socialism. Can you give a reason why that's not the most logical future for America? The US is still the wealthiest, most powerful nation in the world and already has wannabe fascist leaders promising a return to a better past through persecuting minorities. You actually admit to Trump being at least similar to a 'real' fascist but decide that because he's a pussy that means fascism in america can absolutely never come to power. Things are only going to get worse for America, and fascism will only gain power under those conditions.

              Also I really hope you're just a kid, otherwise calling people pussies online for disagreeing with your hare-brained take is really embarrassing

              • cuckfucker93 [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                Do you think the fascists that rose in Nazi Germany were the pinnacle of their society

                Nah, but they could take a fucking punch though. You know hitler like personally beat KPD guys half to death during the kapfzeit? Can you see modern conservatives doing that? The fucking weeping pussy bitches that freak out when they see protests gasp block traffic!? The same guys that run like effeminate weaklings when you shoot a firecracker near their house or send em an anonymous text message of their house late at night?

                They're cowards. You wanna jack off. I get it, bit you really shouldn't cum in public spaces man, it's unbecoming.

                • Sphincter_Spartan [any,comrade/them]
                  4 years ago

                  If you're trying to imply you've scared fascists with those methods you've mentioned I'm calling bullshit, you've never done praxis in your life. You once again miss the entire fucking point. Notice how I talked about fascism*gaining_*power? Fascists in America aren't willing to risk taking a punch because they're not desperate enough to put themselves at risk. But times are going to get harder for America, and people will become more willing to put themselves in harms way because what they have to lose will steadily decrease. You still haven't given a single reason why the process of capitalism decaying into fascism can't happen in the modern day, you just continue to point out the same obvious fact that it hasn't happened right at this moment, as if that means it can't happen.

                  You really need to drop this edgy affectation of calling people pussies and that whole weird last line you wrote. I mean this as genuine advice, it makes you look like a fucking neckbeard.

                  • cuckfucker93 [none/use name]
                    4 years ago

                    But times are going to get harder for America, and people will become more willing to put themselves in harms way

                    nah. The bodies will pile six fucking high and nobody will care. I'm literally coughing like I never have before and have a fever of 100 and my fucking idiot father still insists on visiting me. Americans are effeminate cucks that will let the cold fist of capitalism clock them so fucking hard their jaw will dislocate and will submissively offer the other side of their face

                    You still haven’t given a single reason why the process of capitalism decaying into fascism can’t happen in the modern day

                    literally no social cohesion or organization for one. It is impossible to create a mass movement in the digital age

                    • Sphincter_Spartan [any,comrade/them]
                      4 years ago

                      I'm talking about a long term trend, not covid. I don't think fascists will take over America because of the pandemic, if that's what you thought I meant. America is slowly losing it's position as hegemon and its society becomes constantly more stratified. That's all before you even factor in climate change and the effect that's gonna have to even put food on the table. Long term, a slide in to fascism should be expected. They aren't doing shit during the pandemic because they don't care, these were mostly the people who wanted no lockdown for the inconvenience it would cause them, they don't give a shit about mass death if they think they'll be fine and they still get to be comfortable.

                      It's not impossible to create a mass movement in the digital age. People are perfectly capable of organising, it's just that the nations where the internet is the most accessible, the people are the most comfortable. When the world really starts to degrade, masses of people will be more willing to join radical movements on both ends of the political spectrum, regardless of technology.

                      • cuckfucker93 [none/use name]
                        4 years ago

                        It’s not impossible to create a mass movement in the digital age

                        Yes it is! Dude people got netflix, Lays potato chips, legal or mostly legal weed, and free internet. Mass movements are fucking dead! It's all atomization from here on out

                        All that other "america is losing it's postition" shit

                        Dude, You relize none of that matters right? They don't see that! Those numbers, them graphs, whatever BS you show to people to show them that America fuckin sucks now they just ignore! Fuckin hell, how old are you? Reality! IS! DEAD! none of it matters! As long as you get those fucking cucks watching the right fucking screens you will never see change, and they have literal AI and every behavioral scientist and psychologist in the world making sure they will

                        • Sphincter_Spartan [any,comrade/them]
                          4 years ago

                          You're assuming peoples lives will stay as comfortable as they are now. Like I said, things are going to get much worse long term. Maybe they can keep the netflix if that infrastructure can be supported, but that'll mean fuck all when they can barely survive. I mentioned americas change in power because that is a factor that directly effects its citizens material conditions. This relatively luxurious lifestyle you speak of is built on exploitation of the third world that may not be able to continue as severely when America can't roll over whoever it likes. Then there is climate change and the dwindling resources these luxuries are in large part based on. If America can't support that lifestyle anymore, people will look for it to come back. That's when you'll have socialist movements looking to redistribute and create a more efficient system, and fascist movements promising to regain previous glory. You're talking about an obvious reality, that comfortable people don't put their lives at risk, and acting like something fundamental has changed in people and it doesn't matter how material conditions change from here on out.

            • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
              4 years ago

              so according to you, the AfD, grey wolves, and golden dawn don't exist and the Verfassungsschutz and the KSK aren't full of neo-nazis who have been stockpiling weapons for years

              jesus fucking christ

                • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
                  4 years ago

                  german special forces commandos are now pussies according to someone who has probably never been in a fight in their life and thinks that using autistic as an insult is acceptable

                  • cuckfucker93 [none/use name]
                    4 years ago

                    Man , I was in the US Navy, I met guys in the German military, they're a pack of paper tigers wrapped in tin foil. I know you desperately wanna jack off to the idea of fascism coming back but I'm sorry man, it aint happening

                      • cuckfucker93 [none/use name]
                        4 years ago

                        Hey man, I've killed more people than you probably, so I feel like I can judge a pack of whining krauts crying when the cable reception is bad in Afghanistan better than you

                        • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
                          4 years ago

                          random yank navy enlisted bragging about killing militia in a desert to dunk on german special forces who have been stockpiling weapons, explosives, and ammunition for years with their domestic intelligence service being complicit

                          thinks that helps their point

                          • cuckfucker93 [none/use name]
                            4 years ago

                            Oh shit no the German special forces! Oh they're so scary! They're a country that we cut their fucking balls off in the 40's and have never given it back since then I'm so scared, the Germans! What will I do!? They may post mean shit on 4chan before they all get arrested by GS9!

                            • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
                              4 years ago

                              Oh shit no the German special forces!

                              They are actual soldiers who will be fighting civillians, if it comes down to it
                              something you should be familiar with, what with the whole war crimes thing you do

                              They’re a country that we cut their fucking balls off in the 40’s

                              thought you were a yank, not russian

                              They may post mean shit on 4chan before they all get arrested by GS9!

                              which part of "german domestic intelligence have been covering for them for years" do you not understand?

                              • cuckfucker93 [none/use name]
                                4 years ago

                                They are actual soldiers who will be fighting civillians, if it comes down to it

                                Literally the most badass guy I ever met fought in shorts and flip flops, if the German people don't roll over like they did last time I'm sure they'll be fine

                                thought you were a yank, not russian

                                Dresden was American/British m8. My grandfather still has a Kraut skull from the war left over in the attic that used to be an ash tray

                                which part of “german domestic intelligence have been covering for them for years” do you not understand?

                                Oh shit their version of the CIA used them as expendable goons that must mean they are ready to let them take over the whole country and do the holocaust again your right we should live in fear and jack off to the blood soaked nightmare you predict ur right

                                • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
                                  4 years ago

                                  Literally the most badass guy I ever met fought in shorts and flip flops, if the German people don’t roll over like they did last time I’m sure they’ll be fine

                                  this pretty much proves you have no fucking idea what you are talking about
                                  actual trained and equipped soldiers with assault rifles vs mostly unarmed and unorganised civilians, some of whom may have spent a year or two in the bundeswehr yeah, that's gonna go fantastically

                                  Dresden was American/British m8. My grandfather still has a Kraut skull from the war left over in the attic that used to be an ash tray

                                  the USSR is pretty much the main reason the allies won the war "m8", and your granddad is a psychopath

                                  Oh shit their version of the CIA used them as expendable goons

                                  No, they were actively covering for them because the verfassungsshutz is also full of nazis from the same groups

                                  that must mean they are ready to let them take over the whole country and do the holocaust again

                                  you don't even know what fascism actually is do you

                                  your right we should live in fear and jack off to the blood soaked nightmare you predict ur right

                                  this macho shit is so fucking transparent

                                  • cuckfucker93 [none/use name]
                                    4 years ago

                                    actual trained and equipped soldiers with assault rifles vs mostly unarmed and unorganised civilians, some of whom may have spent a year or two in the bundeswehr yeah, that’s gonna go fantastically

                                    They got the will? They'll fucking win. It's not even gonna come to that though because the kraut CIA will lock em up long before that

                                    your granddad is a psychopath

                                    Nah he was a fucking chad bro he "killed more Germans than you got hair on your head"

                                    No, they were actively covering for them because the verfassungsshutz is also full of nazis from the same groups

                                    Yeah, Nazis are great street goons for intelligence agencies. That's a big fucking difference between "hey guys go kill this leftist" and "HEY MAN COME ON INTO MAINSTREAM POLITICAL THOUGHT! WANT A SODA? WE MADE THIS ONE OUT OF THE BONES OF MURDERED JEWS!"

                                    this macho shit is so fucking transparent

                                    My dude, al you guys fearing a dead political movement from the 1930's with literally no mainstream political support is clearly some kind of weird Libido shit. Matt had yous pegged months ago I aint gonna rephrase shit that the discourse (TM) already went over

                                    • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
                                      4 years ago

                                      Matt had yous pegged months ago

                                      lol, imagine actually listening to the brooklyn libs, no wonder you have no idea what fascism is

                                      • cuckfucker93 [none/use name]
                                        4 years ago

                                        Prove me wrong pal, cuz all I'm seeing from you is some diseased kraut that think his military is worth two shits and whining about a Trump ripoff political party is Totally Really Absolutely Fascism I Swear This Time Guys (TM) like I didn't see this shit for Bush or Thatcher or any of those other neolib cunts

                                        • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
                                          4 years ago

                                          Prove me wrong pal

                                          you came up with the fucking ridiculous take in the first place, you prove yourself right

                                          all I’m seeing from you is some diseased kraut

                                          not german

                                          that think his military is worth two shits

                                          this from a us navy enlisted

                                          whining about a Trump ripoff political party is Totally Really Absolutely Fascism I Swear This Time Guys

                                          still don't know what fascism is huh?

    • CEGBDFA [any]
      4 years ago

      deleted by creator

      • cuckfucker93 [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        You know what I mean. This Robert Evans fear you guys got of the nazis coming back is a masturbation fantasy because organizing is hard compared to shooting people in the streets in an apocalyptic war