Points at the megathread "Nationalize it"

  • any [any]
    4 years ago

    Is there any writing on how the opaqueness of the internet and internet companies forces users to think conspiratorially and (sorry if this is ableist) schizophrenically? Every single shadowban, delisting, etc. feels like a coldwar tactic or gaslighting. Accounts get deleted then reinstated without comment, or maybe with a false comment from the website. Any action could could be automated, or maybe it's done by a human in Bangladesh (who doesn't have a great grasp of English context), or maybe it's from Silicon Valley HQ. The person you're arguing with could be an idiot, a liar, or a bot. People in 4chan threads literally get into arguments over who replies belong to. Digital evidence (screenshots, etc.) can easily be faked a lot of the time.

    It's only really through communities that build themselves up despite this that can oppose most of these forces, but it's not enough. You never know if there are outside forces trying to screw with your community. It's dystopic.

    • 777 [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      this is a topic i'm interested in researching although the process of reading about it makes my brain feel like it's melting.

      this blog post from last year has stuck with me although it doesn't go as in-depth as you'd like about the conspiratorial aspect of the web now.