What was it that got them into it? Were you able to maintain a relationship with them or did you have to cut them out of your life? How on Earth do they do the mental gymnastics to believe something that is so farcically untrue?
What was it that got them into it? Were you able to maintain a relationship with them or did you have to cut them out of your life? How on Earth do they do the mental gymnastics to believe something that is so farcically untrue?
One of my best friends has an immediate family member that went full chud, Q-adjacent. We're all waiting with baited breath to see when he finally molts into a Q person and drains his brainpan with a capri sun straw.
[warning, nerd shit] just FYI it's "bated breath"
Damn, I typed that the first time and then I looked at it and second guessed myself.
in case it helps it's like the word "abate", become less intense
That absolutely helps, sometimes remembering the etymology is the only way I can keep things straight
Weirdly enough I'm better at spell checking myself when I write it out by hand, almost like my hand can kinda feel like I'm making the wrong lines and swoops. Muscle memory maybe.