• CyborgMarx [any, any]
    4 years ago

    I don't know, I'm in a glass half full kind of mood, socialism is getting so popular even the racists want to appropriate it

    A sinister example of racist mindsets infesting pseudo-left spaces? Yes. A signal of the continuing detoxification of the terms like socialism? Also yes.

    • RNAi [he/him]
      4 years ago

      socialism is getting so popular even the racists want to appropriate it

      This is when things turn gruesome.

      Like I said before, the first president to approve MedicareForAll* will have instant greenlight to be megahitler gassing all brown or poor people. And oh boy they will use that greenlight.

      * only whites

      • CyborgMarx [any, any]
        4 years ago

        Maybe, maybe not, I see this largely as a narrative victory for the left, your enemy has chosen to fight on your terms, subconsciously or consciously accepting your frameworks, granted many of them think they're being clever, but considering the demographic nature of the United States it could potentiality be the greatest mistake they've ever made

        If the left has its shit together, it should theoretically be able to run circles around these people, racism and the anti-hierarchical precepts of socialism are like oil and water, if the left can't lock down the narrative in this regard, then our problems run deeper than racist appropriators

      • SteveHasBunker [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Hmm, I think this largely depends.

        I think there are (especially in America) a lot of “lazy racists” who’d happily abandon their goals for a white ethnostate or whatever if they were made comfortable and secure enough. They’d still be pieces of shit but they’d be willing to grin and bear the existence of non-white if they had three hots, a cot and a nice pension in their future.

        Or maybe I’m wrong and most racists are so racist they won’t accept any non-NazBol form of socialism, idk.