turning a big dial taht says "Racism" on it and constantly looking back at the chat for approval like a pragmatic socialist
"Slack Plays 'The Price is Right,'" but it's with racial slurs
I've made it a personal goal to never learn who Vaush is but yall keep talking about him and it almost makes me want to be in the loop.
I never knew who he was before eveyone started to shit on him. I still haven't seen a single video of him. And if he wasn't famous for his totally-not-CIA-scripted-"bad takes" I would never have clicked on a video of a neckbeard yelling at a microphone anyways.
Edit: Oh he trully is a pedo, very predictable from his looks, dont h8 me
hes a neckbeard who frankly looks like a moron and cant groom himself. he brags about getting pussy all day which everyone knows is patently false, if only by his demeanor. how he attracts an audience is bewildering until i realize that young children are impressionable and willing to look up to creeps that say racial slurs.
Yeah, I think he's managed to utilize the "there's no such thing as bad publicity" route. Literally had never heard of him til he started being posted here.
Of course, I do not listen to politics streamers. I get all my politics from podcasts like a civilized person.
Simple version so you can stop wondering:
Creepy-ass sex pest discord mod for Destiny (yes, the neolib twitch streamer) somehow managed to get a platform of his own, is now a prominent anarcho-bidenist, "market socialist," and/or n-word enthusiast depending on the day.
It's kind of funny how "market socialism" has gone from being a name for people who like modern China to literally the opposite.
I never knew who he was until someone posted the Tacoma wept copypasta. Then I decided to search about him. First tweet/video I found was pedophile apologia and something about him doing sexual harassment on a d*scord. Decided to never watch or voluntarily learn anything about him ever again
Left AntiCommunism is an infantile disorder
But seeing as Vaush and his fans voted for a right wing neoliberal war criminal monster I don't understand how they're left wing
If you say the right combination of racial slurs you get the wololo power from age of empires
Amazing how they completely forget about the existence of black people who are often highly disadvantaged and so far more persuadable than suburban racist teens but might be just a little put off of socialism if we start using the n word. All of these types who think there's some practical advantage to 'tactical' racism have a racist mindset already; they focus only on persuading relatively comfortable young male whites like themselves. Maybe it's armchair psychology, but it's hard not to think they're projecting a bit when they decide that anyone who wants to join socialism will be put off by too little racism.
Amazing how they completely forget about the existence of black people who are often highly disadvantaged and so far more persuadable than suburban racist teens but might be just a little put off of socialism if we start using the n word.
Those fuckers haven't forgotten, they just don't care.
wait a fuckin minute he lives in Tacoma, Washington?
he's closer than I thought. i am full of fear
Every time I see a Vaush post at the top of active sort I die inside a little bit.
Posting about Vaush is haram; letting Vaush live rent-free in your head is the 69th form of liberalism.
We need a v word bot like the gwordbot. Or just ban posts about this clown
“I hated socialists but then I heard a socialist say the n-word and suddenly was able to empathize with them. Now I’m totally into marx.”
- Former Nazi
Entertain the premise for a second here -- that establishing socialism is so important that doing at least some bad things to achieve that end is justified.
Even using that pure utilitarian framework, you still have to get some net benefit from the bad thing for it to be justified. You're not going to ever peel off any appreciable amount of neckbeards who are so deeply racist that they'll write you off entirely unless you drop a bunch of n-words. So there's no benefit here even before you start to consider the alienating effect this has on the vast majority of people who aren't thoroughly racist neckbeards.
establishing socialism is so important that doing at least some bad things to achieve that end is justified
Yeah, the high-level premise isn't what's mistaken here. What's mistaken is the specific idea that it's more helpful to make racist overtures to racist neckbeards than it is to reach out to anyone who isn't white.
Sometimes I think V*ush posting is :haram:, but then I think how important it is for leftists to loudly, constantly shout this shit down. Groups are often judged by the worst of their members, and distancing any burgeoning leftist movement from racist garbage is worthy of attention.
Idealists think words matter more than the material conditions which determine the class interests of those 4chan NEETs
Yes, that's why you don't need to use racial slurs to catch the attention of 4chan neets
I don't know, I'm in a glass half full kind of mood, socialism is getting so popular even the racists want to appropriate it
A sinister example of racist mindsets infesting pseudo-left spaces? Yes. A signal of the continuing detoxification of the terms like socialism? Also yes.
socialism is getting so popular even the racists want to appropriate it
This is when things turn gruesome.
Like I said before, the first president to approve MedicareForAll* will have instant greenlight to be megahitler gassing all brown or poor people. And oh boy they will use that greenlight.
* only whites
Maybe, maybe not, I see this largely as a narrative victory for the left, your enemy has chosen to fight on your terms, subconsciously or consciously accepting your frameworks, granted many of them think they're being clever, but considering the demographic nature of the United States it could potentiality be the greatest mistake they've ever made
If the left has its shit together, it should theoretically be able to run circles around these people, racism and the anti-hierarchical precepts of socialism are like oil and water, if the left can't lock down the narrative in this regard, then our problems run deeper than racist appropriators
Hmm, I think this largely depends.
I think there are (especially in America) a lot of “lazy racists” who’d happily abandon their goals for a white ethnostate or whatever if they were made comfortable and secure enough. They’d still be pieces of shit but they’d be willing to grin and bear the existence of non-white if they had three hots, a cot and a nice pension in their future.
Or maybe I’m wrong and most racists are so racist they won’t accept any non-NazBol form of socialism, idk.
americans would rather remain poor then allow someone poorer than them to also not be poor.
All gave some, some gave all. Today we honor those brave 16 year olds of Vaush's Twitch chat who have had to use the N word in the performance of their duties.